By The Minute By The Hour
The incoming tides and what they brought to the shore everything was ethereal and unexpected, by the minute, by the hour, by the day, upon the mainland church, bells were…
The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive
The Poetic Warrior Returns to his Poetry after Illness Welcome One, Welcome All
The incoming tides and what they brought to the shore everything was ethereal and unexpected, by the minute, by the hour, by the day, upon the mainland church, bells were…
God Given Air How much happier I would have been just to enjoy the God given air, I had been given for life, no searching endlessly for truths that never…
Ever deeper underground beyond the throne of the sound of the great Pack Roar lay unforgiving landscapes so far under, one would think or believe that there would be a…
Was my father an Alien, I had recently been daydreaming whilst walking upon a wartime woodland track a very potholed road. All manner of visions can be brought inward especially… Turning the dial up on my ear that is what I have to do…who would have thought this was my essential connection with outer life… It was it…