We must as a matter of urgency break from the creeping power of the middle classes and beyond you can hear in the confident voices the Hitler power the top university halls that are geared for dominance and control of the most vulnerable, ie, in housing welfare corporate control is rampant.  WE ARE BEREFT OF CHAMPIONS FOR THE EVERY DAY MATTERS THAT APPERTAIN TO ZERO HRS CONTRACTED EMPLOYEES THE SOCIAL ENGINEERING IN HOUSING THAT DENIES TENANCY DIGNITY TO MORE THAN A MILLION YOUNG AND OLD. In
this country the big brush applies to the poor into the gutter, in the gated communities the exclusion in former industrial areas especially Liverpool I am advocating the rise of the underdogs and to this end a collapse in the false bulging housing market would
start to clear the arenas, ready to do battle with the omnipotence of the now dominant elite where the Queens English is seemingly the only english devoid of the dialect of difference.

By Mason Cult Poet

Mason Cult Poet was born in Westmorland in the Lake District in a farming engineering community. On one side of the family many portions of nobility mainly the Stuarts. Mason Cult did as the herd does and went through the education process. attended drama school and ran small businesses. The stigma of mental health issues blighted him as it does with all creative people, was diagnosed in 2011 with a form of Asperger’s Syndrome which can impair executive function however it has given him a higher sense to see what others do not and from this ability he concludes the world is controlled by esoteric forces and that other interventions operate steering the world we know ro a new beginning.. What we witness we are forced to challenge and the work of Mason Cult assists this

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