The incoming tides and what they brought to the shore everything was ethereal and unexpected, by the minute, by the hour, by the day, upon the mainland church, bells were ringing in panic, time was possessed of a vacuum and people resided themselves to the fact, this had gone beyond government some other power was in control but a sense of cluelessness prevailed. Random movements of humans, North, South, East, and West no-one knew of what might be best. No guides appeared and mist descended, a chill prevailed putting your arm in the dense mist one could make shapes, as if you could make your own spirit if you so wished.
The bells were in tandem with the Auric Horns loud enough, considering the density of this night , hours were passing painfully slow. Finger tips enveloped by gripping mist then slowly an Auric Beacon number seven, one of many multiplications sounded at 6am a foghorn twenty times the decibels of the largest ship waves upon the coastline, took a deeper stronger push.
Slowly through this density appeared the colossal bows of a double sized ocean craft seventy storeys high with multitudes of open portholes as the dense mist unravelled to the oncoming escalation of the benevolent sun what appeared to be hundreds of white capped oval headed invaders availed their heads stretching out as lightbulbs glowing, not friendly crowds on the shoreline I guessed they screamed, they ran, the Auric Horn gave constant boom the invasion of the future race had begun.