Black Cat
Black cat in the white snow. We can see you, how would we think otherwise upon this cold day, the cold swish black dart across white waste land. It hopes I guess for Mrs Smith to have filled her bird feeder with those tasty morsels. so feathers flying and blood from her lips the black cat in the white wasteland tells of a remorseless nature in all species. Weak will fall away to the side and so by prediction we also will return and hunt. But this with a more sinister dimension to a world that once had a better mission, that of advance in the practice of humanity.
If You Are Poor In The Words of the Baird
Beware if ‘t be true thou art po’r f’r there is nay political party f’r the po’r sayeth the rich politician which couldst beest from any party, who is’t art those gents to sayeth yond we art m’rally inf’ri’r ‘r to has’t feareth, that gent yond hath nay house to calleth home f’r that gent resides in the did grind of desire and sineth coequal thou hast not committ’d sineth, thou is guilty of not owning thy home sayeth the class police no-one doest careth f’r thy suff’ring coequal though thou art the honest citizen and at the bottom of the pile victim of a controlling political and controlling politico elite. Though art the dog endeth stubb’d out by all vain politicians whatev’r flag those gents standeth und’r but prey to the valorous l’rd, nev’r surrend’r thy life and freedom coequal if ‘t be true thee reside in the inhuman toweth’r blocks of this ‘r any oth’r landeth. Amen
Wake Up Rise
Wake up rise alight from wherever, here I am, not that anyone is aware of me toast and the coffee, don’t let the honey slide on your hand. I’m already stuck, the first demand pings at me oh your overdue… here’s to that, your password we need it, for it is time to start processing hip hip hurray to that one, that is all well and good alas I’ve forgotten it. Advice I apply for advice, apply here and there again. Double hurrah there. The sceptic makes up a password but it’s up and down miles long, up and down. I say to hell with this, what about iris, your pupil, your all seeing eye is she there then I’ll address that, happy and hippy am I, but my postcode is not recognised, the house has been in the same street for a hundred years. Hang on your retina has just come back and it’s still not quiet right, well then God let’s me get over this, lets just talk it’s been a long while I heard someone say I couldn’t see. Well bless my cotton socks it’s good to talk but I am blind and everyone looks yet nobody notices.