As said by Mason Cult holding court down his local pub.
Many have lost the spiritual connection even outside any religion or doctrine one may have been raised with churches that have hierarchy that can alienate many who would be so called Christians. So many turn to the cosmos and think long and hard laying down in the grass looking up to the vast cosmic factory never idle always busy, new stars new galaxies, new habitable planets . How can we be stuck in this evil political dogmatic rhetoric that serves to derail many aspects that would otherwise help harmonise the races and cultures, instead of constantly creating nationalism . The voices of the poor need to be heard wherever they may be and not controlled by a multi party political class who just wish to protect vested interests there interest will only last an allotted time and their souls in time will be replaced by poor souls some of whom are chosen through the Adept Masters, who are poised to save and steer the soul of millions upon planet earth.