I am Mason Cult Metaphysical Warrior.

Mason visited an old air base in his local area and his wild imagination kicked in, the end result was this…enjoy.

Have you been lately, to an old airfield, walked a cycle track, looked at the boggy areas, looked at the underground vents on the cycle tracks, can you here the lungs of the underground pumps. Like an eighteenth century steam pump engine, an unusual life of it’s own. Go a little deeper in mind, at least, ask, what under the earth is going on. Well my friend we will get to that soon. I am Mason Cult Metaphysical Warrior trained on Mars by Cosmic Adepts I operate in England in Turkers Wood near York with my assistant Boc Hondo and eighteen outcasts and we have been told through the cosmic jungle drum to start the investigation into underground genetic development by the  dark and discarnate forces living and breeding near and around World War Two,  airbases they arrive hidden to the side, with flocks of geese slipping down to earth hatches in ovoid protection, blue grey plasma occasionally. They are caught in sight of mortals and seem angry, but disbelief and resources stop investigation. As large local farms owned by gentry are harnessed under a very threatening spell.

Mason Cult’s Sunday Sermon

For God to stop the misdeeds of man the innocent must be saved no more death bombs, guns, nor poison be from the minds of evil preachers in cloth they wear not a religion upon benevolent mother earth she has the right to kill in the name of
God for it is that which should be dragged to the halls of cosmic truth and justice and forever be observed in hell.

The Curse of Money

It would be nice if a level playing field exsisted where borrowing is concerned, by this I mean the difference bettween secured an unsecured loans.  If the intentional borrower has a responsible and secure position and is trustworthy should there
interest rates not be the same as the borrowing secured upon a property. The banks are in an all win scenario making them larger shareholders in anybodys house and if the bottom drops out then the evil banks own most of the country. 

Therefore what sort of
fools paradise is the mortgage payer in. The banks will have you all day and night stoking inflation lending money to millions of households thus creating the next but largest sub-prime with negative equity all around. Make the lending market a level playing
field if you have a good salary and are contracted then you should have equal rights to that of any mortgage payer in the land, it is the essence of merit rather than giving champagne tastes with lemonade money to those that borrow against ex-council properties
falsely inflated and sometimes hard to service. Thatcher knew what she was doing but whilst doing this with vastly discounted right to buy she sold out the taxpayer and created the monster of speculative property inflation making people greedy rivals Mrs Thatcher
wherever you are now there is no society. 

Death A Mystery

I am crying light to my eyes the dominance of God the creator was everywhere as solidified sunlight from the creator we awoke with minds and bodies, heads tilted upward and beyond, under such light death would remain a mystery for some time to come.

Boc Hondo Saves A Soul A Short Story By Mason Cult.



The reason for gods departure and nurturing of another universe was straightforward in execution the model of planet earth was now a disappointment, god is an investor, quality control is required, if god had a board of management, earth was viewed as a disaster of epic proportions.

Planet Vixor was an intermediate planet for the kind and the weak of the now dying planet earth god had created. The right hand man of god Boc Hondo and his Outcasts were tasked from bases in the forests craft hidden from view to correct investment earth.

Jesus had failed yet by irony for two thousand years earth dwellers had captured and interpreted the word of god. For devious and controlling reasons this had caused great suffering in the lives of the masses.

Elite systems had protected themselves under many guises within the paradigm of the planet earth population. God had deemed that his son Jesus had done enough to show the people of earth the right way, The words of the bible were misinterpreted, millions and millions had met with the cruellest of deaths and blighted futures. The scam of war sanctioned by God and both sides praying to the same god for victory was a proven pattern of manipulation and it never failed.

God did not want any son to return to earth and try to reintegrate his truth or use the confusion that the Bible had imposed, Boc Hondo & his Outcasts were tasked by the almighty from planet Vixor with no religious agenda or secret society doctrines, Boc Hondo was tasked to perform miracles all over the old planet earth, detection spheres, viewed as the magic of gods by earth people, yet advanced detection systems from Vixor were sent ahead to covertly watch the human population, cancer was a priority and many would be healed taken to Vixor while God was busy in another universe creating life again.

The greatest question asked was how could planet earth be decommissioned and cleansed to either die or be born again, Souls to be moved, lives to be lived again upon planet Vixor an intermediate holding station of the souls of the creator. under the leadership of Boc Hondo and the Outcasts. The ultimate bad news scenario for the creator and Hondo was a universe void of life.

So where did Boc Hondo and his team of warriors start, pilot programs of visitation had begun Hondo needed to utilise the help of saved souls in order to identify secret gathering locations for leaving planet Earth to Vixor.

Miranda May’s Story…

The greatest affliction upon modern earth is mental illness, impairment from chemical imbalances carcinogenic foods and pollution were a loss and not a profit on the business sheets of the almighty. By numbers we cannot continue it is only control by the strictest orders that contracts bulging populations. Boc Hondo and the Outcasts had to ensure that just as they could deliver miracles of change for those with critical illness they also had to leave a contingent of earth based miracle workers in the form of secret agents for the protectors of earth. with the necessary powers to continue Boc’s work and the knowledge that planet Vixor was possible from collective hidden evacuation locations a very modern version of Noah’s Ark cloaked in the dead of night.

In the nation of England mental health problems had risen to epidemic proportions it was as if the polluted earth had changed the cellular and neuron circuitry of human beings, a balanced individual with stable parents Miranda May had been lucky through the passage of life, a nurse became her vocation in life, a family, middle age upon her and suddenly with no warning it all collapsed like falling dominoes, Miranda started to have vaccines, and an urge, nobody knew where it came from and it was out of character, appeared like from the void  an urge to harm others, she was sectioned, her family broken by her change in mental health moved away. Miranda released from mental health services ended up in a supervised bed sit, surrounded by deprivation and immoral behaviour at risk from being used as a prostitute, the supervised bedsit was a darkly comical joke, as there was hardly any supervision.

Miranda May former nurse, mental health patient, exposed to a hell she never asked for tumbled down the abyss of a dark depression, it would be easier to take her own life she needed a sign upon her forehead, going frantic she wondered where she was and what had happened. What had occurred was a shock for Miranda, the man who led the prostitution racket in flats nearby, had picked his last lock, entered his final room, the paranormal powers of Boc Hondo had seen the woman Miranda like a machine her past and the abuse lit up in the mind of Hondo as if on a computer screen, like an express train trouble was coming to Miranda and Hondo was about to derail it. A flash of light was the 1st and last thing the perp saw of Hondo bi-locating into the bed sit, a blinding flash, the pimp screamed in pain as the light blinded his eyes, slumping to the ground the pimp lay motionless, knife dropped from the hand of the self-proclaimed king of hookers who planned to lead Miranda into a world of filth. Alas our king failed and the agent of the almighty whispered to a shocked Miranda…”It is time.”

The poor in England were also mysteriously vanishing with no trace, swift prayers, quick funerals as if the deceased never existed, it meant in quick time Hondo and his Outcasts had to identify in the quickest time those for extraction to Vixor and Miranda May was on his list, but earth poverty and destruction was increasing rapidly. The choice was stark for god was earth to be given to Satan left in an evil soup or did the operation of Boc Hondo and his Outcasts need to increase.

The latter was to become true regular evacuations from woodlands with the mother ships taking off from forests as bright stars in the still of night. A spectacular sight to behold upon a cold winters night. At such speed they looked as one among the stars of the universe.

Very slowly populations of the meek and lowly were finding good lives again on planet Vixor it was to do with the soul no longer was it controlled by ulterior forces upon earth it was free to be all it could be in the many lives of beings created by the almighty. Through the actions of Boc Hondo Miranda was free again of mental illness and reunited with her family, where and how that all happened is part of the enduring mystery that is Boc Hondo and the Outcasts.









The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive