Lonely Old Crow The Latest Poem By Mason Cult

This poem is about  a lonely old crow sits in a swaying old tree mourning the loss of his friend the previous day.

Black feathered soldier sways upon the old lightening tree, but this creature is near shadow of his departed comrade who died, under the setting sun alone.

Bright shiny plumes are now dulled feathered quills brittle like the branches of the tree that Zeus struck from above, a shrill of grief, an emotion we do not think the birds know echoes across the fields.

A carrion in flight, a comrade fallen in the daily battle of nature, sway on old crow sway on, sway on the dead  tree for we do not expect you to know the passing of life as we do. Or do they ?.

Mason Cult Latest Poem Shout Into The Wind.

Mason Cult New Poem Shout Into The Wind.

A deadline we live no more shout into the wind for it knows not of you, stamp upon the ground….

Mason Cult New Poem Shout Into The Wind.
A deadline we live no more shout into the wind for it knows not of you,  stamp upon the ground that feels no pain, for the elements we are but in the way as wind travels. 

We want the world whilst alive upon its surface but whoever you believe yourself  to be the soil & elements  will consume you to be born again upon the face of Gaia.

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