Warrior of Poetry Collection

The slippery world of politics it’s all a run for the money, the reds are dead they followed the house and the money and became as the blues following the hours and the money, your money not necessarily their own nor the banks but they followed it. Rule Britannia drinks all round.
The greed the self-aggrandisement the penchant for more, forgetting social cause and worst of all a lack of conscience, being good, getting your gong, for the non-speaking community is tipping the money not the time.

But most of all for however much I listen nowadays, it seems answers from the not-so-great minds of those who remind me of bearded men from the Victorian era, do I say and not as I do a principal still carried by the political class to this day.

And so, from the mouths of often so very aggressive types, they require a social conscience not just me and mine , Britain you are beyond help and mere small words from the likes of me won’t help. What about the social housing, don’t trap, politically trap the less well off, to the Tory social plans for the mortgage. Which will trap the vulnerable in unconquerable debt and misery.

Labour knew this and to gain power they milked it for all they could. Despicable people they are well they have confirmed themselves to a wilderness forever in a greedy selfish flag waving aggressive country, that thinks more about media stars than the greater cause of repairing humanity and covering the green of this country with good housing for all as most definitely the policy of non-affordable homes being built carries on like an express train, with stereotypes of families driving cars like missiles and running around like aggressive rodents with brain disorders.

Author: Mason Cult Poet

Mason Cult Poet was born in Westmorland in the Lake District in a farming engineering community. On one side of the family many portions of nobility mainly the Stuarts. Mason Cult did as the herd does and went through the education process. attended drama school and ran small businesses. The stigma of mental health issues blighted him as it does with all creative people, was diagnosed in 2011 with a form of Asperger’s Syndrome which can impair executive function however it has given him a higher sense to see what others do not and from this ability he concludes the world is controlled by esoteric forces and that other interventions operate steering the world we know ro a new beginning.. What we witness we are forced to challenge and the work of Mason Cult assists this

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