Mapping All Walks & Puddle a Poem

Mapping all intercity walks some used others disused, as always to encourage walking and less car usage, these are potentially dangerous with those of the wrong intentions for example idling time etc occupying hidden areas in crime spots with Brexit on the go and less foreign travel.

Inland pastimes seem to be encouraged, holidays in say Whitby, with fish and chips. Rebuilding the inner economy . Britain is in danger of cutting itself off whilst building old empire trading ideas. So far away not good if war existed, Boris and co will try and micro manage the working class cutting the valuable healthy engagement with the European Union. Work and culture wise they are complete asshats you can just see the news millions of walkers attacked by yobbos on bramble covered disused routes…


A puddle to shape from a vast ocean, a human form, a droplet moves and gathers. Joins with other droplets shapes and forms all inside the droplet, a viscous dangling thing before it falls. A weighted weight to fall. I watch it fall I and it’s connection screams to the ground, dangerous condensation, the droplets form, change forever change to deep dark basins of mystery. Whirlpools, tornadoes, of change ground based vortexes of the ones above in galaxies, beyond comprehension and mysteries too deep for us to fathom walking upon earth as we do for a time.

Author: Mason Cult Poet

Mason Cult Poet was born in Westmorland in the Lake District in a farming engineering community. On one side of the family many portions of nobility mainly the Stuarts. Mason Cult did as the herd does and went through the education process. attended drama school and ran small businesses. The stigma of mental health issues blighted him as it does with all creative people, was diagnosed in 2011 with a form of Asperger’s Syndrome which can impair executive function however it has given him a higher sense to see what others do not and from this ability he concludes the world is controlled by esoteric forces and that other interventions operate steering the world we know ro a new beginning.. What we witness we are forced to challenge and the work of Mason Cult assists this

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