Mason Cults Micro World Shop. In this stressful worrisome world hardly one human had an escape. yes one could use a multiplex of electric gaming with limited interaction but the truths lay in the fact that we had become overpopulated, germs, infection viruses modern forms of plague en mass . However in his Victorian cellar, a being fresh from an ancient wood. He goes by the name of Mason Cult a metaphysical warrior poet with expertise in ascension to other dimensions and life streams. Mason was fast discovering that to change the human dynamic we had to be able to move into micro world, in his voluminous Victorian cellar such matters were being attended to with the help of cosmic adept Hornet Veste, a research vessel captain from the days of the Antarctic Ascension Pyramid times. Mason and Hornet possessed at least twelve gigantic glass spheres and if one looks close enough you will observe the minute assembly of miniature world being made ready for a new breed of adept ready for ascension there new world being prepared for a collective micro ascension. You must however take note this is at a delicate time in development and in the meantime Mason Cult and Hornet Veste will be setting of and searching for suitable beings to complete a new technical phase in ascension development.