Warrior of Poetry AKA Mason Cult in turk’rs wood once m’re twas early evening mason ent’r’d his creepy did abide upon the f’rrest track t hadst only been m’rely two years since the black pixilat’d six foot traveleth spirit hadst blink’d hence behind that gent not wanting to beest seen t blipp’d and did vanish , but int’rmittently bawbling clust’rs of his black did shape youngst’rs hadst been hath caught playing speedily. Anon those gents w’re becoming m’re brave in behaviour and in the v’ry recent timeth has’t been spott’d dancing upon a concrete wasteth transf’r platf’rm in carefree abandon, I concludeth the dark figure hast a family his new home in turk’rs wood remains undisturb’d and Mason Cult did get some catch but a wink.