Warrior of Poetry Collection

I Will

I will mold myself to protect you never t know where I am watching over you I will appear when I need to help you I will come from know here like a flash of light I will clasp your wrist in loving warmth to reassure you, however, it is many years since I departed earth if you look upon a dense night and see the stars look for me I will be the brightest and as I promised I will come to you and clasp your lonely hand in delicate warmth be assured that will be me I will diminish your anxiety and lonely pain there will be no words as you will know, it is me the spirit relative for all time.

Perfect Again

He said you are not to sin and I will make you perfect again, long has the stain of evil been at your side. You became a vain reflection of what you desired love, and gratification all is gone strained and struggled to be poured from even the crudest of vessels. We need the essence of love energy goodness the whitest of white at the golden lectern and the largest ring of divinity residing above. The chosen head for a new mission and unity of purpose, not haggling divisions that split mankind apart rather being a seeker of the ultimate truth which one day will rebalance troubled earth.

An Open Mind

Such an open mind be prepared to believe I said, let the new world walk in let them fill your orbit if not a new world filled with the most vibrant of colours too bright to let evils stain or damage, cast decay and cobwebs away send them to be destroyed upon the raging fires of old inner earth. We need to breathe once more some crystal new air with a tolerant sun not too hot let all and everything rest until new earth and modified man settles never to return to his old greedy warring ways. I go my craft is waiting I thought I’d tell you we all have hopes and a promised world of peace is not far away just believe.

Oh Waverly

Oh Waverly meadow of quivering aspens, the last butterfly wavers to my side lonely devoid of hope, summer is gone she just reminds me, fleeting memories are all Waverly has, she has nowhere to go but down I continue to pass Waverly the butterfly as I call her, still no direction the flapping is weary we are all lost, but most of all we are insecure lost in a sea of emotions in an information world.

Tick Tick

Tick tick went the time, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Sir of the bases closed the hanger doors the lights went down there was a deathly silence. Nothing, not a movement of air no moon just a healthy set of starlit counterparts dim or bright. Then I blinked and there before my eyes shaped jet black, were dark grey square shapes with visible inner activity. As if it was about to birth a whole area before me. The Auric Horns surfaced the invasion had begun I retreated a safe distance and observed from a hillock nearby.

By Mason Cult Poet

Mason Cult Poet was born in Westmorland in the Lake District in a farming engineering community. On one side of the family many portions of nobility mainly the Stuarts. Mason Cult did as the herd does and went through the education process. attended drama school and ran small businesses. The stigma of mental health issues blighted him as it does with all creative people, was diagnosed in 2011 with a form of Asperger’s Syndrome which can impair executive function however it has given him a higher sense to see what others do not and from this ability he concludes the world is controlled by esoteric forces and that other interventions operate steering the world we know ro a new beginning.. What we witness we are forced to challenge and the work of Mason Cult assists this

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The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive