Warrior of Poetry Political Rant Step Aside Fiona Bruce BBC QT


People of this country , stop listening to the self serving politicians they don’t care if you live or die there is immoral human chaos going on all around. Think for yourselves do not listen to politicians take a third of their salaries away, question your local politicians every day in every way. Pull back your wants, hear the words from the film Gladiator ‘As One’, think of others, talk to others never mind holidays. Put your country right. A revolution in attitudes is needed we need better leaders for humanity. We have lost through greed and want. None of it will be made right until the reset button is pressed and pray not the Nuclear button for which there is no return. For it solves nought.

The Ship of State has no pilots to navigate, there is a far more sinister things going on and Truss is an evil puppet playing the thirty year old cassette of Neo Liberalism. My late father was fifty years ago a top Conservator County Councillor. Conservative a proud party back then, his next stop was going to be an MP, one step away from that goal he passed over, my family covered his grave all over to symbolically protect him. God bless Dad he was only forty four I get real emotional about him son of Lancashire man, I’m still a Conservative that work is rewarded and yet today that message is corrupted as businesses go to the wall a sorry tale, my father turns in the grave.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye New Poems From The Poetic Warrior

Building Bridges

Building bridges where there are non I’ll try hoping for a miracle do they exist is it under the fountain of spirits visiting the hosts in the many lifestreams prepare properly and you will find out I’m sure for indeed we are without hope if we do not believe and we will just pass by without the vision



Run the air is changing again, run for your very life. My nostrils are full as it suddenly passed my sensory core. I detected that the air had changed I was suddenly running on three cylinders caught in exhaustion, there was no choice it bore down upon my senses but nobody talks of this to most it’s just another day and no one believes me how sad.


Phantom Lodges

Oh, days of the Phantom Lodges your world has changed and you wondered why? those secret buildings in towns cities and villages, the gatherings, the control so secret.  The heavy minds of control never so obvious never truly seen these are the days of The Phantom Lodges they call it a little dispensation of powers and yes you may never know just look for the emanating Auras as you walk past the non-descript building.


The Craft & The Nobody

The Craft and the nobody, for fifty years the mute villager was misunderstood the fool to all, drifted in and out of every day everyone shouted at him and all he did was return what seemed to be a vacant smile. Confined seemingly to the scrapyard. He plainly existed but there was indeed a reason. One darkened evening when stars were down and dark drowned this night the mute awoke for the last night of his life,a shepherd was watching lent upon the wooden five-bar gate central to the field. The mute sat up and the silver aura drew his head up, suddenly the mute saw a craft he was able to shout at it to those that never knew in fifty years this is what he was waiting for the miracle after all was the craft so long,  so long, but it came and he was mute no more.

I Heard

I heard a whisper, a cold whisper, about a murder the killing of many, parts of a plot that inevitably involved a chain, a plan. The plan does it affect me, oh no there are many others. When you’ve gone you won’t be seeing the sky or hearing running water. You will be just part of the elements.

I Pray

I pray so much now will I get an answer this is worrying.  I ask what has happened to this world and what have humans done. Will evil never stop and curses never be lifted I’m doing penance for all my sins. I hope that God will forgive me, please don’t make my children suffer for my misdeeds. Purity and solitude I seek but not to be confined that window of light and hope is needed i pray to be that now as like many I am truly scared.


It isn’t time a little voice told me, give it another day. I heard it from somewhere, I listened the sky opened and I was taken away and I came out elsewhere but not on the earth I knew. A voice came to me and whispered you are modified you are now upon Mars my son you will soon have company look yonder for the sky craft it will come you are now ex of the earth forever.





Oh My More Poetry From The Poetic Hero In His Own Lunch Hour…

How Do We Fair

Relying upon empathy how do we fair and what does this cost and does it exist without the lure of reward that is difficult, not easy to answer for we are geared to the oneness of ourselves and not much else. For we are under the thumb of the untouchables where no dissent is allowed even though we cannot see the actions of God surely by now we can grasp the light each and every day.

Is Faith Blind

Is the road running out, how much space is left in the mind and who cares? I know not, I’m told nothing lasts forever but for how long are we humans who are the thinking, touching, feeling, kind?  It’s frightening, I think so but there is fear now. The light in the heart has gone out, scrambling for faith and hope of any kind. I clasp my hands and look at what the false politicians have done. Bring them to trial before the highest altar to make them cower in the loneliest of corners. Repent for the neglected children, bow your heads, repent for the sins against the poor and lonely, repent in absolute shame you yes you the vacuous hollow politicians.

The Cool

Bring on the cool oceans of the soothing space, the majestic light, revealed and uncluttered, uncomplicated the Temple in its center position high and faceted calm blended with fear at the same time. Be respectful I say we want the truth, we want purity, humans are becoming a disgrace. No wonder animals run away so let us pray. When humans have to win the right to be free a new beginning will come through the gaps, in the atmosphere and impregnate the lost humans and let the good life live and breathe again.

As Most

As most lives are wasted in hate and absurd acts of revenge of no point there should be calm we move too fast we shout too loud go seek the pendulum clock and sit beside it the pedantic tick has wisdom for it holds the essence of calm slows down time defeats hatred have your peace brave and do be kind that better day may be possible oh great peace greet us silently from within and project outward in endless endeavors

The Low Ghost

The low ghost just kept haunting me I asked myself what did I do to deserve this but I will say it has some spirit is it yelling me something shall I I ask but what exactly am I talking to not a ghost of a chance

Upon Empathy

Relying upon empathy how do we fair and what does this cost and does it exist without the lure of reward that is difficult, not easy to answer for we are geared to the oneness of ourselves and not much else for we are under the thumb of the untouchables where no dissent is allowed even though we cannot see the actions of God surely by now we can feel the fear each and every day

The Low Ghost

The low ghost it just kept haunting me I asked myself what did I do to deserve this but I will say it has some spirit is it yelling me something shall I I ask but what exactly am I talking to not a ghost of a chance

Lord of the Galaxies

Lord of the galaxies I pray where is my new home is it earth or is it more than that is it more than this we are desperate to know

The Reincarnation

The reincarnation booth step in for another day another way another sky another sun a new fresh atmosphere where clear water flows do we deserve another chance that I know not, but I’ll sit in the chair and wait to find it if this is real or whether I’m not just wishful thinking on a death sun day don’t wait to melt maybe paradise is just a step away

Tribal Jesus

Tribal Jesus will he come back one day will we hear the call of the drums to prayer it be I see it happening as the drums rise and the people left upon burning earth do gather there was no light in the sky just drums to call mortals up the valley after valley you could hear the footsteps in millions I would say to the forthcoming meeting not written as it might or should be but it definitely will be of Jesus I have no doubt those here are begining to see clearly the evils of the out of control sun must be stopped so people wait for the drums and be prepared in the valley don’t be like Mars wait and listen Jesus is coming soon


This Is Why

This is why they were stars after death they took on a new meaning more than you thought were they just ordinary or something else but they still shine and stand out so we call them stars leaving a trail in the night sky you would fly and chase if you could they were so something against the tragedy dangerous soap operas of three score and ten


If I were gain God has to walk to connection road and wait at the side of the highway I’d wait til I was picked up others would be waiting I guess I’d be chosen and that I’d been taken notice of in the mess of life we would go to cool plains the largest space I’d ever seen and some figure announced this is where miracles happen maybe I said to myself so I duly waited for this I guess I had to believe I wait hopefully not in vain ame

The Ponderer

The prismatic ponderer pioneer of the many facets of all spectrum colors I see as the fine reflective glass turns slowly I heal with all the energies pushing into me the room fills with most beautiful light in arrangements of splendors is this the healing

The Demise

Is the demise the brutal ending or the new awakening the release button for dearth dread and woe we didn’t know we were coming until we were born when demarcation and brutal life politics rose as we grew copper spoon silver spoon and gold plated existences on an ethereal level the iniquities mixes continued to stir with a thinning by war along the way we need to see the Temple the hope along this way we travel for awhile we’ve crowded ourselves out along a turbulent way and the restart needs a push to relight the light for all we seem to have at this moment is nothing life should be of greater hopes and wishes

For a Moment

For a moment the Lord’s love caught me in suspect in the time of a day I was stopped in my tracks in a triangle caught was I but this was no spider it was The Lord our creator our inevitable Master who just controlled this time and told me what I had to be but I must wait awhile to be freshly imbibed with goodness that your imagination couldn’t be I’m not special but today this spotlight shone into me a voice was then delivered and it simply said I’m here to save your soul in return my son will you save all those you can and with that he said will you try to save others on my behalf

The Divine

The divine belt of purple magnificence worn by the master every gem in the universe upon it creation of life healing in life upon life the master turns and life is cast upon this protection and the modes thereof as all life and protection is within just a glance all but a glance will make truth shine into you in purple healing among the many rays cast in the deep peace of divine energies and creation that be and this be God to you benevolent healing loving God praise be to these energies of creation that are yet to be seen

Within a Higher

Within a higher conscience there resides a deeper beat a measured occasion that requires ceremony to cherish our lives to evaluate attitudes to fellow man to stand without our treasures will say more about us than anything else to reach out for the Godhead we must imbibe of the oval of the violet flame and find peace within this

The Lord

The lord so much we use his benevolent energies to glorify ourselves the world we are allowed upon for a short while allows freedom for some pain for others but God cannot do everything we must pray for the afflicted without taking energy to help we must put goodness and kindness to all for we should tread carefully and carefully me mindful that indeed there but for the grace of God go I and with saying that I shall try


Bereft and cold in the molds the new generation waits silently for reanimation in the hold of the space cargo ship far in the distant corner of the universe almost in a parallel universe hidden this there be the germ of an unknown new generation waiting for a new planet to emerge from a crop of young stars then the earth we now live upon will be ready to be no more something will live again but it will not be

The Movement

Justice and vindication the movement is shouting to be heard we want to feel good we want to live can we breath please like we used to are humans so thick or bereft of conversations make someone happy help them talk walk over say high speak without prejudice poverty or not sit by the brazier under the bridge share the chicken brew the coffee feel the warmth under the bridge hear the footsteps coming to join Shar the laughter absorb disappointing moments and then smile on forever and ever more

On These Shoulders

On these shoulders I shall carry them when they fall my shoulders the lord will make strong enough so all shall be safe my stable will be warm enough for cold nights that come until the start of the east comes or so it was thought but it was the mothership by the moon told to collect the fallen of life and to rejuvenate them to the next lifestream

The Rectifier

The rectifier of my sons was the goodness left in my aging heart I now remember how innocence made me smile I didn’t hide and my head never bowed down to the promiscuous poison of failed hearts living in jealous greedy misery we started having those conversations again and gold was not on the menu just kind words and the hands of friendships and the rekindling of the Lord God who created all we are all that man has abused so much that we have distorted the weather I hope we still have time to slow down Amen

The unanswered questions I suppose it stays that way the lack of anything no tail to stop us from falling pushed different generations til we go no more til the motor goes and we grind to a halt to once more and nevermore did we leave a mark I know not for I am but dead


Justice and vindication the movement is shouting to be heard we want to feel good we want to live can we breath please like we used to are humans so thick or bereft of conversations make someone happy help them talk walk over say high speak without prejudice poverty or not sit by the brazier under the bridge share the chicken brew the coffee feel the warmth under the bridge hear the footsteps coming to join Shar the laughter absorb disappointing moments and then smile on forever and ever more

We Got Past

We got past that age we couldn’t dream again the conscience ticking darker side of none illumination no gentle hand looking for reassurance there was none so who was coming as the fear dawned for one and all could religion be proven in the final minutes no angels no demons are we alone don’t trust me for I know not time is borrowing of itself but the beaver still builds it’s dam a the timber wolf howls to the moon and it is cold and colder still does something stir upon the moon and finally is it the fragrance that draws in a sweet passing perhaps to cover the sin of all our lives

My Experiment

My experiment is over for a week I sat in Tesco car park half asleep yes because I am a tired body with many responsibilities so I tried the social conscience sitting dead test nodding and judder waking I pushed the task thousands walked by was I dead or alive no knock upon the window was mason Cult dead or alive no-one knows nor cared amusing society isn’t it wake up mason time to write a little more that’s if I’m not dead you know what I mean

Warm Outside But The Wordsmith Is Boiling With This Poetic Round Up

Good Lanterns

We’ve got some good lanterns out there, but where is your leader perhaps over that mountain a hundred miles away the leader of a thousand lights points to the star, is it a starting point? It stops the dots sliding open. Truly this is when the lord arrives I guess I’ll have to wait but you know at least he turned up rejoice I say rejoice for his father is in heaven be reassured at least.

I Slowly

I slowly rose from my bed early to rise as I recall, motioning forward. I proceeded forward in the quest to live for this unknown day.  Gripped by a spiders web.  Complex my situation, they grabbed me as I flapped like a mad man. They didn’t wish for me to leave they contained my motion but I ask my humble self were they friend or foe generating a warning they held me back another world, I mused how powerful they are the forces of the spirit web most strange.

Sat In Chairs

Sat in chairs in dead air on silent days, the doors are closed. We sit but for how long our brains are set at dead or possibly dying. Where is the reason to believe I know not, who is it that deadened us, surely not the Lord or is the plot so thick we have lost the will to question.  There are no answers as the plot of brainwashing continues to descend from on high upon us.

The Thousand Years

The thousand years of unrest I know it’s here, I can feel this is it real killing for fun, because we are intently cruel upon each other. pain being the only mitigating factor if you cry enough it will stop the human was always the plaything of a malicious creator it was called the will of God in the name of God but the excuse now the wrath of God the reason well there is no reason not one that contains the excuse of the earth word of mitigation

Diesel Had Gone

Diesel and petrol has vanished from the world and society was burning and the horses were out in droves shining, single furrow ploughs by the million. A recruitment campaign for plough men, training was needed the old ways had to come back, if you wanted to be fed the activities of the dark ages.  Return on mass each field by harvested by thousands at the scythe depot thousands of threshing machines drawn to the fields mankind rallied lives were saved the sky would be thankful no more pollution, the people could breath and unity of purpose began.

The Invoked

The invoked a force of the past, if you want a story you’ll get one because here come the Invoked a portion of the past,  so real can you tell the difference everyone’s up for it. As the now seems hopeless, people can come back to life, from the past, but only if you want them to. The Invoked you might not like them. Like a dark comedy they appear before us, run, run for your lives.

Said The Alien

“How is your world.” Said the Alien, “We are on a ball” said I the earth man “we live on it, have to. It goes around still don’t know why we are here nobody has told us, can we come on your ship.” The alien said “just once but please not a word to anyone it is a secret.” At least that what I thought I heard, yet I awake from this dream to realise I am sat with Kev on our seventh pint.

Me & My World

Me and my world and God well  that it the truth at last, I always did know the devils road alongside me until the parallel line was reached and then I had to decide how we would separate the good from the bad, plentiful of wrong doing in our society the lower realms are taken over may God have mercy upon us.

Gods Farm

The farm of Godliness, do you believe the longest experiment in known history. Little have we realised this in our years of human existence and reckonings evolution once had an energy, a hand to push it all along. But soon it will return to all elements, for humans are destroying themselves, the sky nerds rest, the elements and the aliens observe man is being retired the Bible is back, there is no peace.

A Pearl

A pearl from an oyster here it is secreted in my pocket, waiting for the right moment to be added to the ring of fortune. I hope, I shine, I am quality on high. So high I dedicated them to my priestess who leads me by my fortune and future and all I could ever believe. Upon higher plains my ring of pearls came true to me.

News Media

News media has led to blind faith a new false idol as if instinct has gone, the new false idol is the media and internet  all threads of interpretation, which one out of all these threads do you believe. Trust yourself for this day that is all that matters in the absence of the visible light that shines upon our troubled world. Only man to blame if you can call him that but nature will rule in its own entity without earth’s deadliest irritant us if anyone cared the ozone layer should have gone many moons ago, but it is alright, the media advertise electric cars and behold the price, hail the false idol of money.

We Are Ready

We are ready to plug in to the eternal, never lose the greater vision beyond the skies above,  beyond all that is known the mystery that is wonderful will happen shall we close our eyes to see.



A Collection of Poems from the Poetic Warrior


We are out of ideas with as humans can we suggest a change before it is too late and that could be soon, even perhaps tomorrow sooner, it has to be sooner than you can think.  Maybe we’ll start with those three crafts that have been lurking in plain sight for a few days now I was told that they have the answers if only they would come down What’s hidden by them to obscure the truth, I am suspicious if it is an experiment I cannot quite see it and it may never happen I’m talking Aliens are we stressing them out just let them come, for they are already here, they look like us and we look like them hush our governments know, that is the truth hidden.

Aunt Agatha’s Painting

The scrap man, he is not as he appears, this is more than you’ll ever know, blink and I would miss the fact he has me in a trance.  You’ll never know it’s him you have just talked to, nor will I ever realize he has just taken Aunt Agatha’s expensive painting into the back of his van until it was too late, he had me under hypnosis honestly, as he gave me twenty for the pic. I am under the influence honest I am, here scrap man what about this nice Victorian chair, yea see he has me in a trance again…

New Landscape

The new landscape is ready my people must go they have been waiting a long long time tuned to peace, and their radio station is on. The promised land is nigh the prayers have worked. War is no more the new story begins and fire and rage are dying that day is done only one more night of serious clouds and then we start again the circuit breaker worked I know of this, I link into the cosmos.

Big Laugh

The big laugh that came out of nowhere ah the meaning of life oh yes it was getting too much my brain fogged it is getting too much, what was I to do capitulate and crawl to the deadly corner and die oh hell. What should I do the grim reaper came upon me, and I just burst into a happy laugh through a big conduit in the mind nothing dam well-mattered monster joy well let me tell that is welcome anytime, by the way, was that Jesus telling me not to worry

I Knew It

Yes it is anonymous I knew it all along that is its name, it carries on as if it is not noticed. It never did stand out and moves silently amongst us, you may ask what is this I would have to tell you it is what you wondered for I have to inform you it is God he is currently sat on a park bench only a few know.

All In It

Toward a reckoning we go in the spirit of all we do our karma is being calculated, and the next direction is nigh. We must prepare who will now pick us up when we fail or fall and stop us. Before gravity finalized our flawed time in the moving kinetic known world remember energies are dead they keep moving and changing all other life.

Alien Lodge

Alien Lodge care home is a place where we get closer to the truth, what’s it all about you’ll soon find out. Look, Fred, there’s a flying saucer coming, look out Doris prepare the kitchen table that’s where it is landing, we are short of space gestured the tiny Alien. “Frank!” I scream, get the nanobots ready “Dick, turn those bloody Christmas lights on this is for real.” And tap the table three times because the truth is out there, main corridor seventh door to the left open it gently folks

Plug In

We are ready plug in be eternal never die the greater vision beyond the skies above the beyondness of all that is known the mystery that is wonderful will it happen shall we close our eyes to see




The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive