Heavy upon my mind, a planet passes through in a phase. It’s over, the moment gone of fear. I now have no fear lifted away into the cosmic abyss. For I’m on the other world I’m in the hinterland, a spec upon the horizon. In yonder land as is often said. I tried to cling onto the old but each time I was there I knew I was leaving for the spirit had flown and, nothing connected. Turkers Wood my home of residence was floating away, our small island was detached and all our memories locked. Did this happen, was I there and who own this world is there any treasure buried in the soil.
Language, in the texture of a sky, so vast not to read but to feel. It’s too far away to care too remote to fathom. That word is for the deep but not for the cosmos. Draw from the atmospheric platform what you desire, for it is probably the cosmic mind that calls too you.
Loose Yourself
Loose yourself feel the wind through the tunnel of transformation, beyond the new future is coming you are going to be lost at times in the unknown, what will you find I see a mother craft on a mountain side it assesses my approaching speed and estimates my threat, that is the charging vortex of me, but it is over. I am now inside, I am told I am now wanted upon Mars, and so to Mars I go onwards is the rallying call.
Dark is the Night
Dark is the night I’m in groove for flight, soon I go, I blow. I’m gone, trajectory unknown. But I land, I get out. It is warm, I walk, I await. The greeting, the acceptance. A new friend, I do believe it is an alien who approaches from yonder ridge here on another planet.
Too Much Love
Too much to love, but I don’t know how is it a secret. That I should never find or has it always been in plain sight. But afraid of the now life is not so long and the embers are trailing and barely warm. I struggle as if I’ve missed the point, was it the only saving grace we posses, above all else or have we missed this tingle inside.