Dear Editor,
Too much aesthetic beauty is winning over substance I speak of the incessant need by media to portray glamour when what is required are the more earth bound folk who will address real subject matter that applies to everyday lives, for example council tax, poor housing, the diminishing welfare state, when the careful expansion of it would be strongly advised in these difficult times.
We listen to the every word of the vivid scientists but we cannot listen to our own hearts when we know there is something wrong and there is something very wrong. Not one local doctor or Council Leader has presented themselves properly and openly. At the start of covid 19 we have all been sucked into the worst act of political control ever.
I have been a political social activist for thirty two years many campaigns, led poll tax petition and Selby District bedroom tax campaign, pay to stay in your council home this would have been market rent not local wage related . I am proud of my efforts I have had Asperger’s Syndrome for most of my life with cognitive impairments a carer for the past fifteen years. People have commented don’t listen too him, mysterious phone calls I have had as well however my condition leaves me with savant political ability and that of the esoteric kind. I am a poet , but more commonly known now as LAIDLAW WILSON WARRIOR POET , but in reality I am Ian Laidlaw Wilson a human being with a disability and there has been a lifetime discrimination for the simple lack of understanding let this not happen to others
Great stuff, Mason. We need to be open about our disabilities. It would be really interesting to see if other readers have disclosed their hidden disabilities and, if so, how did people react?