The Overseer For The Lord.

The idiot in the village, some five hundred years ago amidst the foul stench of what was known as the village. The abhorrent stench of everyday life was on the move, figures of dark brown attire matched the muddy surroundings it was as if all blended and to some extent so it did. The village idiot Brown John flapped his hands and danced around yipping as he went.

Talking was more like grunting more a mix of point and gesture, no Latin here, for brown John unknown to others was the supreme interloper an observer for interplanetary development seconded from the great ship in the sky that had mapped development from the birth of Christ.

The overseer for the Lord in heaven a cosmos away, John was half way through his present earth life there was much intelligence in his mud caked apparel and on this very day John had to go, for the execution of village idiots was night and as far as John was aware upon given instructions he was to avail himself to the hovering star when the moon became full and powerful in gravity.

The village was becoming noisy low drummers were sounding from afar down the track Sunday was approaching far dawn the track, death was coming for Sunday. It would be the villagers who were foaming at the mouth for bloodlust that day.

John is behind one of the camped village dwellings, crouched was he, the night of his personal ascendance moulded near an ale barrel was he. The large moon she was pulsing slowly John stood up immersed in light was he absorbed, was he John fitted within an egg shaped aura and also emitting an astral aura and he began the process of retrieval to the command of the white light.

To report to seven masters of the universe who would with precision place John within another timeframe of evolution to inspect the development of what we have come to describe as further versions of man in the universe. We go with the mark of God upon the palm of the right hand.

Latest Audio Poems Susie Swan & My Father

Susie Swan

A short story for kids as Susie Swan saves the wood from General Snail…

My Father

This is about my father County Councillor John Wilson a native of Scale House Farm Galgate Lancaster who died in 1973 suddenly age 44 yrs wouldn’t mind it read out sometime sadly missed.


God preceded time, we invented divisions of time. As we evolved but we need not think of ourselves as clever, it is when one goes to sleep discovery is made being conscious in a troubled world is burdensome and extreme, we find peace somewhere else, some are yet to discover. Remember we are all transient beings much of our own invention and reinvention in a living world. No man is above another. We are driven, driven by primordial instinct. It is difficult to achieve but very easy to forget in a vortex of emotions.

Mason Cult Political Rant

In 1957, the Prime Minister, Harold Macmillan told a Conservative rally in Bedford that the people of the UK had never had it so good. It may seem as though we are more distant than ever from the days of the post-war boom, just before the swinging sixties crashed into the seventies and on to the demolition of industry under Thatcher. For example, now more than 100,000 people have lost jobs due to the impact of the government’s response to the corona virus pandemic. Young people see dreams crushed due to failings in the exam system and the prospect of a no deal Brexit is written about in the pen of the doom-mongering journalists.

Yet, I will argue that, despite the tragic trail of the virus, we have, in fact, never had such a great opportunity to reflect, rebuild and restore this country as a centre for industry and to build a much fairer and more socialist state. We need the government to commit to a policy of buying British; supermarkets to be encouraged to invest in UK produce, which is guaranteed by stringent UK quality control. Our universities have shown magnificent flair in working towards finding a vaccine for the virus and distance learning opportunities have flourished. We need to invest further into research opportunities and technology. With technology comes all the requisite sub-industries and trades. Our young people are willing to work and need apprenticeships that lead to jobs. The care sector can flourish if its staff are paid better for the hard work they undertake. Yet this renaissance needs to be centrally controlled.

Now we have left the EU and learnt how unwise it is to have a country that depends so greatly on the service sector, we can repair the damage done over the past fifty years. In 1957, we may have had a flourishing economy, but it flourished largely because nationalised services and industries formed the backbone of the economy and led to a robust infrastructure. If we aim towards the instigation of a more socialist government with a policy for egalitarian investment and nationalisation then once again, we can have it good we can have it very good indeed.

COVID 19 My Political Rant Mason Cult.

This is very difficult to write about just as much as people find it hard to talk about. Where are the mass of ambulances rushing up and down the streets of Britain carting people away with Covid 19, Equally how many people are openly discussing the virus in public. I would suggest the figures are being tampered, in such a short time has this developed into the daily broadcast as seen in Russia, North Korea and no I’m not going down conspiracy avenue too many make bad money from that line.

Think about this we have slowly sunk into a form of totalitarian state the Tories have borrowed from many sources, put this in a mixing bowl and come out with a disaster movie. Another product of this time , well this seems to have worked nicely. Yes COVID 19 exists but runs with comorbidity afflictions there are nearly seventy million humans in Britain and a politically blind electorate too stressed to challenge government, the elected bodies from converging electoral boundaries designed to seat to suit political parties, who by the way all work to rig outcomes in elections.

In essence the Tories are playing life and death with you through channels of fear the quickest being the rather dishonest highly controlled media in particular social media, designed to get everyone at each others throats better to go back to the direct challenges of the public meeting room and a show of hands and the people you may who hide behind the veil of social media may reveal themselves if they dare to attend. This government of Johnson and the unelected Cummings is the very worst in living history, call it that if you wish, they have no right to carp about true Socialism one that seeks and demands a fairer world for all.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive