Mason Cult Calls For A Revolution In Housing

The revolution must come from the hearts and minds of the ones at the bottom, not from the perceived top e.g. the conduits to power the political classes. Far too often those of us in adversity feel so powerless even more so now that hardcore socialism appears to be so diluted as not to exist.

The first mortgage usually kills that one , but it is deeper than that, council housing properly managed would be a great achievement especially when it has been so derided by all three political parties as non ambitious, this boils down in many ways to media and government propaganda. The unwillingness to build family sized council homes and any acknowledgement that this way of living is all millions can afford.

Many more may just want that community feeling back succession of tenure and much more to build a stable life . With consecutive administrations stratification of humans has been all followed by perceived social mobility with divisiveness at its heart that is morally wrong.

There is too much false want that takes up too much of humanities good bits and leaves the rest in tatters the money needs taking out of politics and some principle heart put back in to serve the people would be a good start followed by a systematic study of how real family housing with adequate space for families can be implemented.

Not more boxes in the sky and cramped flat blocks but as yet this has not happened and the problems multiply every minute of every day. Therefore, true socialist people should come forward as of now and end the dictatorship of Johnson, who is using the pandemic as a cover for initiating hidden brutal policies that will take the right of the less fortunate to exist, with multiple slave labour zero hours contracts dodgy tenancies, bad landlords and community controls to manage what he believes to be a herd of dissent they are all scroungers even those of the North who voted tory, it is they who have also been conned.

New Poems and Latest Boc Hondo Audio

Back Upon The Beach

Back upon the beach from once I came the shifting grains of sand brought by the gravitates of eternal tides, the drum of a wave reminds me of all sound and the voices of all beings. Beyond my rational senses the casts from the shadows of beings, that used to be here upon earth from periodic times. Now changing again within the veil of cloaks to be still when the tide goes out, set for awhile of the daily imaginations of temporary living man and woman.


One colour to go and we arrived the pure white light was now visible from our dimple of a hill in the wilderness reassured was our group that something or someone was waiting on the other side of the blackness we have endured for years rejoice i shouted can you feel the love from this light heading toward us i also hear trumpets Auric Beacon trumpets heralding a new realm of our senses above and beyond our own sense of time revelations will come to all who take in the wondrous acceptance of this purity behold it will soon become and salvation to all lies there within this cloud that isnt a cloud floating with other white clouds soon to welcome us stood upon this hill of hope looking upward rejoice rejoice.

The Meek Knight.

The meek knight sits in his noble high back chair, his shield rests against the smooth stone facing on the castle wall. A fire stands alight with flames higher than hell, he is hidden in this castle basement. Hidden from the crusade the gold of his shield, a standing lion appears as if animated facing this knight. A goblet full of bodied wine the knight does grip he did not take part in the religious battle this day. He thought of the men killed, succumbing to death belief and parchment. False religious reasoning all under one sky upon earth to divide and conquer, but today our knight is on strike tired of the battle.

One Colour To Go

One colour to go and we arrived, the pure white light was now visible from our dimple of a hill in the wilderness. Reassured was our group that something or someone was waiting on the other side of the blackness. We have endured for years. Rejoice I shouted can you feel the love from this light heading toward, us I also hear trumpets Auric Beacon trumpets, heralding a new realm of our senses above and beyond our own sense of time revelations will come to all who take in the wondrous acceptance of this purity behold it will soon become and salvation to all lies there within this cloud that isn’t a cloud floating with other white clouds soon to welcome us stood upon this hill of hope looking upward rejoice rejoice.

Oh God

Oh God of Astral Plane we want to know of you, we need more clues for now, in the now we are desperate. Indeed salvation is asked for in the burden of confusions and our misdeeds. We are out of control, we sit tight at night waiting for we are without hope, as the bad air creeps.

Boc Hondo An Atomic Arrival

On a cold winters day sometime ago on a curve upon the surface of earth a cosmic wheel full of colourful atoms spun to the ground…

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive