
Man in a vacuum the Devic wanderer, a most unfortunate soul. As quick as one likes he was sucked in deep, covered in dust and choking. He shouted, screamed, he fought off spiders, a host of fleas. All dusty detritus the Devic mite bashed the side of this tough paper bag until the big hands took the bag outside. The Devic mite could feel streams of air rushing through the one and only hole. Spiralling to a concrete floor he ran to a privet hedge and hid long enough before finding once more his own kind. A happy ending in the chaos of life.

Since my imagination vanished I thought I would leave my husk to the wind and feel where I ended up, a daisy seed, part of a globe. It is many parts  a device of creation wild faithless, sometimes pointless but ultimately global in presentation.


I Lived As A Seed

The day prior to this one now in history or timeless nothing, I lived as a seed. I felt my growing. I felt a bud to a leaf in my veins. I was thrown about this, all in my ear and nothing else. I felt my fall lightweight to the ground. I was crisp, the dead leaf was I.

A foot I felt, that crunch me down. I was part of it all and someone walked over me. I felt the crunch but I knew before long I would be something else. I heard that and it excited the being within, my karma and I  was in journey to another life, dear leaf I made it, I transcended upwards. Will I be dog or cat, or human on the wheel of life.

Said A Master…

“Humans need to change.” Said a master who passed my way, he came too me, imparted from the spark, stating that you are choking the earth with vehicles and you must change your motorways. The cosmic master with a liking for tea with two sugars, implored that earth government should use your earth motorways and create smaller new age rail upon them, using all terminals and hubs that exist upon the said motorways, and you must achieve this over the next twenty years. That means much solid occupation for humans this system will create much unity and healing, not just in the United Kingdom but throughout earth, I mean the world citizen. Your lungs will recover and many millions under polluted skies will heal and discover purer thoughts. This is precisely the masters wishes for what has become a deteriorating earth climate. With that in the manner of David Bowie’s Starman, he bid Mason Cult farewell and flew away to his base upon earth.

Many Years Ago & Uneven Town

Many years ago I attended a Unite course in Leeds. I was shocked at how individualised suppose Socialists were, no comradeship interaction, by this time I realised Thatcher had done her job it was turning people away from collective thought and into pale Tories this I believe was through the right to buy. Ascending prices, extra money on the back of false speculation upon houses, was turning the working class man into a monster. I find the attitudes mind boggling as we all die and unless one is an ascended master or adept little else . So the human state is to blame and unless man rids himself of petty difference he will never be any more a friend to his fellow human. Man will be forever this grasping monster on the back of increasing dystopia and wanton melancholy, let the idealism talk again, in meeting rooms and other amenable venues but will this return, is the world making fat too much of electronic communications,  Mason Cult The Warrior poet and Amateur Metaphysics Writer

Uneven Town

The uneven Town however you walk it is always up, but its a long way down, you think you’ve arrived but you never know where you are and not a soul speaks a glance is all it takes all walking to the ascension Temple.

Ten Feet Down

Ten feet down that is where I was as if pushing against a solid mass, I remembered daylight and the first breaths of that day. I was an adult and therefore I appreciated the special form that of living and breathing seeing and hearing touch taste and the rest. I speculated on, came by upon, random experiences however I knew the end was near as I began to hear trees grow and followed the yearly cycle. In a short space of time and in order to summon my rebirth,  so in essence I had to die, this meant that I was now with the hidden ones pushing through to what are known as the chambers of dissolution, and at this moment I was struggling to get through. So I pushed and pushed clawed and ate soil with moisture, dripping down cracks in the strata, the soil eventually fell from a hole I made, and poking at my fearful eyes was a sun. An eternal sun, I fell out from the hole I had made struggling to stand up. Soil fell from what seemed to be a new body I was half grown up. I had entered a new life stream from the mass, I had struggled to relieve myself from. I looked up to the sun and below the clouds evaporated and washed my face I felt my face and said to myself I am new, just walk to the new dawn.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive