Mr Simplistic

Mr Simplistic, that’s how I grew up not a smear, not a taint of any kind, then came life and other people. Too many to cope with, back of the Que you might say, smart but hollow. I needed some stuffing and life gave me that exactly, bang on, bulls eye, so eventually I changed my name to that of Mason Cult and developed acute metaphysical power and do you know what everyone left me, but that was my bonus ball for seven, and with that I found my saviours in the cosmic masters and now I am able to cast myself around the known world…


I don’t play the game, so it leaves me lonely I feel the greed, so I leave it alone. Monsters are growing, they seem to be as usual, known as humans, cosmic masters are ready, a time will arrive. A germ will develop to curb the human of it’s destructive ways I’ve no idea why we are called civilisation. When we beat one another down, so I wait to go. I find a path where no one goes, I climb, there is a bend in the road and a stone platform.

Ready, elevated, I stand upon this. There are ten minutes to shut my eyes I think of so called society and what it has done to families to root them in poverty, now I must breath in rhythm and close my eyes, the white light comes. A masters call, silent the wind desists. I am ready a shaft of light impregnates, my whole I’m enveloped by auric violet that is my pod, a golden disc rests above my head I am told to go others will follow, we are now done with earth, say goodbye.

Sir Twat is Knighted

So we are going to be once again fearful of these set of bastards. Duncan Smith become Sir this after making thousands homeless

So we are going to be once again fearful of these set of bastards. Duncan Smith become Sir this after making thousands homeless after the inception of the bedroom tax. This included a former friend who nursed her husband for two years with prostate cancer, the lady herself ended up having stent treatment for her heart. Her husband a good deal older, had served as a bomb armourer in the war. Duncan Smith should be held accountable via the UN. The bedroom tax was the worst social engineering move in a generation . It is such a shame the Labour Party had so little to say on this matter ah, but I forgot they all had mortgages.  We have now got the most disgusting set of people running the country Britain’s humans are a selfish disgrace. So I say come on working class borrow some more money on the right to buy former council house. Deny others be selfish and most of all please die for the Tories, labour have already gone to hell and the Lib Dems, well they just continue to have fondue parties and pretend to be stars in the good life. Hey ho here we go five years of poor bashing, in the new Boris dictatorship tally ho this blond fox will ransack your mind and dignity. Shame on the table banging working man.

The Compound

Thousands of restless souls remained in compound at secret locations after death, these were named as restless souls. They moaned but no one could hear them their earth bodies now gone there seemed precious little to hope for seemingly abandoned in the voids of a timeless zone . They all at one time had some form of earth family and sore and sadly was it sensed by them but as promised they would be claimed and saved cubes of white lights could be vision by these lost souls . The restless ones gradually gravitated from this time toward the shimmering cubes an opening door appeared and pure enlightened beings for each cube beckoned each soul gestured for each soul to be drawn in to new enlightenment and on to another life stream.

Burning The Sacred Diamond & Sunflower.

Burning the sacred Diamond, now on show in decline I am expected to observe positioned to see, it is the sun with burning dimensions. Throwing of its energy in despair wasted on a world that didn’t care. Through the gaps it came stronger than ever worried were we, in subtle ways for that is evolution’s way but it didn’t stop us, death was on its way.


Why does a sunflower rush to grow because it loves the sun it searches like a transmitter to the absolute high for it is beyond where it seeks to be without name or face in constant evolution it searches for our new age the change of our attitudes and essential being to god, the sunflowers grow.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive