New Merchandise Section For Mason Cult

Dear Poem Lover,

I am pleased to announce Ikon Gallery are launching a new merchandise section, that has my art on clocks and bags etc, they make a novel gift for the Mason Cult fan base.

Check it out…

Mason Cult Shop

Yours in poetic bliss…

Mason Cult



On The Kundalini Flight Line

Mason cults Black Box on the Kundalini flight line. The day he fell from ascension he missed his timing, on return the band of warmth around his head failed. So Mason was floating in violet plasma on his way to Saturn on the flight path of Gods and demons poked by discarnate pressure. Advice needed he asked for travelling cosmic Adepts to save him from the hell and sure enough white light filled his space and the golden sphere corrected itself and Masons heart started beating in time he shook himself ofF and walked away to join another day on earth.

When The Vessel Has Died & Breathing Constant Creation.

When the vessel has died and gone, where is mind has it conquered over this organ or is mind somewhere else beyond seen boundary. Is it mixed or returned, solitary, vulnerable, shaped, by good or evil. Upon a mountain exposed is the skull of a philosopher, the howling wind blows through sockets like the thousands of sheep that died by his side. Did they join his flock or are they indeed just remnants of the dead, all that seems to be left is a lock of hair, for mortal man was indeed made of flesh and even to this day destination fucked will be upon us like a hurtling express train.

Breathing Constant Creation

Breathing constant creation, taking and giving, where panic and sense of mortality meet, who do we think we are, an element of something shared for a time with others, a teasing glimpse of enlightenment and fleeting entitlement. Like the bee taking nectar from flower heads, as changing to the power of honey sweet and temporarily consuming the cosmic breath of time.

The Scribe Savant

Commenteno the scribe savant of his time, sooth sayer supreme he asked the sun and of the cosmos what will become of the earth people, so devoid of feeling and sensibilities, why do they elect as masters those that will harm the weak disabled and mentally afflicted. A signal from violet shaft entered Commenteno’s mind a white light gave this message . The people who rule are also weak and empty they have ingratiated themselves with every false prop of material gain forsaking their suffering counterparts.

Your rulers rule as farmers, the weak, will die. but as a result rulers will become weaker and the graves of the weak will have a sweet scent of promise in bloom. Telling those that come will sense Nirvana and feel vibrations of love energy. For the weak and poor have been released of earthly suffering and the master dictators will meet in hell and burn forever by their evil they will have tied themselves to hell forever.


I Am

The journey of difference and journey of Transmigration since awhereness became in me I stood out even when not speaking the difference attracted attention on earth it is known as standing out and this was for no crime other than that of existence no surprise that alone was its description from biblical times I would have a vision and familiarity with the landscape of that time I had been there so many years later no surprise came when I was diagnosed with Asperger’s which would lead me to receive messages of new life and ascendancy to planets beyond, that is called cosmic consciousness, so I studied to escape and to achieve I had to raise cosmic consciousness to the time of pure white ascendancy, I am Mason Cult sailor upon the ocean of the cosmos.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive