An Ode to England & A Leaf Did Fall.

An Ode to England. Oh kingdom so fair, the trees stand under all weathers, under all skies, on the ground there were still lies. A whole vista of them under black key skies of sombre notes, in sadness a residue of true life and how it should have been lived.  With an open heart and joyful honesty, but that was not to be our hearts. We are now cold and the moulds of dishonesty were setting as stone, as the laughter of our once youthful ways folds into an all consuming fall into primordial state.

A Leaf Did Fall.

The largest dead leaf I ever did see, fell from the roof upon high. Adjusting as it fell, I noticed a little new world emerging. A rebirth of sorts on the way a microcosmic happening only seen by me, so from death would come new hope upon another year.

Created By Sand

Happy as a boy created by sand, washing upon the beach I am here, I am there in I come the tide arranges me, but a speck of sand, am I a universal life force hidden amongst many too prolific to count. If you observe you will encounter my form, a god made shape until tide turns me. Cleans me and rearranges me, time eternal shape shifter of cosmic sands.

No One To Impress

The jackets of an older man now seated, the best way he can.  On a Sunday in winter, a park, the coat no longer warm.  No attitude for there is no one to impress, not that there ever was. Mortality breeds indifference to all matters living, the sky is roughly going about its business above clouds. For now I suppose that it will rain, to be expected but I sit one leg over the other. I’m pleased it is not likely I will be recognised by anyone other than maybe another. As solitary as i guess we are in preparation for journeys unknown. i

I don’t seek company of and the company, that ever was, is not looking for me. Divided we are in a storm of opinions that in reality masquerade as a friend, individuals all know best. and are blind to what is going on. Amen grey coat and hat move on someone else wants your seat.


Grabbing at the air hands desperately trying to find what can you touch. your physical energy chasing a lost presence. Man’s demons but he can’t see them he can only feel the hurt. But there is no answer to the call, a creative force is called upon by the higher self it is calling for an answer to the potent question, are we indeed alone now. Collective feelings of human brotherhood a false fantasy never to be found.


The ball under my foot, the world it may be, it makes me so unsteady my destination will be unknown at the moment. I have control of a fashion, my own tiny globe under foot but its about to go large. I will move my foot, see if it tries to escape to the next universe. I dare say though I will be left standing in this one, goodbye little world fly over the sunset upon the evening sky.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive