Over Field & Fountain & Danger In The Streets…The Light.

The shit is shot around the world over field and fountain sliding down the mountain a multitude of fetes completed in a race of pollution and potions pills ? life extenders by the million.  We the cosmetic masters of fake falling frail and fowl of our groaning years tomorrows just another makeup call. ? Cos here I am fine and dandy but it was only the cat ? that got the thick of the cream after it had hunted wicked humans saved the alien a job.

Danger In The Streets

Danger in the streets walking through the radio waves criss cross a weave, tying minds in confusion and collisions. If we could see this we wouldn’t walk amongst it subtle infusions cancer of our times scared to reveal the apocalypse of our age the end of the wire.

The Light

And the light hit it travelled like a transparent auger screw through an ovoid  violet shape beating at the door ? to heaven where we suffered not

Aliens From The Sea

Where have they gone, I look up and wonder, but blind am I what has happened shiny things lightening in evasion now dumbed down just as Mulder and Scully or government hell bent on control .

But deep so deep in depths more than miles beneath the oceans at the very bottom there are lights glowing manifestations in the protozoa, there is heat, great heat and another inner world from fumaroles belching black from tubas pulsing in liquid rhythms.

Pressure is depth in secreted holds, I have been told and I must withhold all and one earth day. I will be given the call and asked by a great being what would be the greatest gift of all that I could give to you, I replied to see and so a new dawn of time arrived and this day arrived as others before, but this day bobbing upon the oceans of the existent world were craft risen of complexity and aglow were the mother ships and scout vessel’s.

More than Atlantis would have wished for if indeed she were to have mind wishes at all, glowing, pulsing, they did not in senses care for any human life the truth of higher intelligence and vibrations did not allow for history or so perceived evolution the experiment was over it had run its earth time the caretakers were back and so called civilisation was on a backward trajectory.

Your Twenty Feet From The Door

You are flanked. All around is greed and corruption, your twenty feet from the door of hope and light. Will you make it against glazed eyes of intolerance and hatred, you can hold the truth but not for much longer.  But I have to save it for the next world it is all I’ve got, it is a passport beyond the running river of change to a dry clean temple of tolerance. Where crystals are violet and etheric beauty lays therein and opalescent doves circle above my resting brow. I am the setting of a new stone, a pure rock of divinity.

Ye Flock Ye of Faith & Independent Automation Plus Tree of Interference.

Man of silence man of faith he sits in the corner in candlelight by the stone wall, beneath are beasts that keep him warm. Their breath in night time lulls him to sleep, doors bolted down small thing, busy themselves in between cows mud mattered hooves wee musical workers in the harmony dance ?. The transient man sleeps and draws breath in deep for the morrow is his holy initiation, upon a holy mountain where the good lord will bless him and gesture to him of his good life lived. He the lord said “your struggle my son is over my son, I shall send forth to earth another shepherd and I will instruct him to take care of his flock.” And it was written that mankind shall start again to cast of the shadows of darkest death and feel the skin kiss of benevolent sun upon the sour sons of the morn.

Independent Automation…

Independent automaton self serving seeker for thyself interstellar specialist working the planet doom fat stories thin on truths because the truth is an evasive entity locked in a conundrum of magnitude with millions of faces most you’ll never know in the revolving door ? of the relative

The Tree of Interference

The tree ? of interference bristled with charge those who walk by do not fail to stop stilled for a moment at the entry point of the Devic kingdom that filters through vast and majestic woodland who could fail to sense this energy but often neglect what is within you need more than your vision and most would not be aware of beings inside working to balance a world a world where most walk on by in human ignorance you will if you remain still and silent hear rustling but my friends  this is not always that of the animal kingdom so the next time the Forrest invites you in stop at the interference tree  and receive the love of another kingdom from another realm

Relatives In Carpets

I’ve seen smiles and relatives in carpets, sweet faces within the leaves and branches therein. Whole worlds in hedgerows shapes everywhere, I guess they know who we are they are watching all the while as time meanders throughout the day.  We are not alone if only we realised comfort would be found, peace would be discovered at autumn, in the fall, gold bronze leaves crunch beneath our feat they are talking as you are walking with senses renewed and light between bare branches, light will come upon the dawning of new spring and all will be renewed unfurled there is something to be thankful for in everything we see all is relative to all we are gods creatures.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive