Poetry Round Up from the Poetic Warrior

China Lights

China lights they’re coming to get you the lanterns will be landing they will take you all away in a paper bag they say the game is all wrapped up so sweet and sour it is out to do your noodle kit and kaboodle Boris the dish you are a chopstick we can handle you all the cats and dogs woof what a game.

We Own Nothing

Warning to dictators and omnipotent beings it is not my earth to own. For we own nothing beyond our lifestream, the claim has gone mankind must realise this the earth will become unforgiving of you for the mess and lives you ruin. You are but a nasty glitch in time your essences linger, no longer than your breath but the joy of life you ruin you will be reckoned on the seventh lifestream.

Coaching the Amina

Coaching the Amina what are the laws of attraction my mind ponders it deeply. My eye saw you, I picked you no idea what you will turn into my success rate isn’t too good but I’ll give it a go. Your dotted all over the world maybe I’ll approach you to try something different, need to try anything to break through the ties that bind me.

I Hold Within

I hold within a planet that can’t let go, it is without a purpose and currently, it requires a planet host to grow it wants to escape, it torments me, it spins faster. It wants to go I’m not from the earth of that I know, for therein lays another family on another planet something tells me I must find a home.

Mystical Phoenix

Better get used to silence for that is all there is, your mind is wiped like a psychic mystical phoenix caught in a higher moment in unfathomable time. In the distance, a deep pendant abides a faceless clock but over the years becomes louder to the ears right until the last second, and the wind she changes and drops to nothing then it all starts again for another day, yet I  dare not think of tomorrow I haven’t finished with today, there is more to go as the moment passes as a clock ticks  with pedantic slowness we build up, let us hope to make us cope in time. This world will change but I’m afraid it will be ten thousand years passeth and yet it doesn’t matter.




If Aliens

If Aliens are bad then where are the blessed ones it is hard to say, have they left us?. Have they vacated terra earth did the vision of the blessed one make them depart, what is to befall us all? Is earth indeed to be cleansed given rest for all it has suffered, there is panic around now and no time to talk. Streets are vacated where are the people. Has life has metaphorically gone to ground, cables wires, and satellites in the skies above, and who invented normal. What defines such a world now, that exists, in partial hiding. in rarified rooms of intensity, angst, and stagnation.

The Little Lantern Peoples of Hanger Hill

The Little Lantern Peoples of Hanger Hill, we are now approaching the year three thousand, many world downturns later and the fashioned nature of the time is producing smaller peoples of what is left of a world, what is left of houses is little more than rubble to hide in. Food is a combination of the wild fayre, wild veg, and disheveled crumble. Warehousing full of water-soluble dry packet foods, water is now wells and dysentery is high. Public health down to the volunteer medical people now fighting over supplies. But there is a strange phenomenon upon a mountain hill on the edge of the Lake District or more correctly the edge of the North Yorkshire hills. It is a disused gliding school hanger with its sliding doors half-open upon a metal beam in the far corner of this hanger up to a thousand paraffin lanterns can be seen one small knobbly kneed strange human form can be seen standing in front of this lantern keeping warm as it states into this ok light and heated device most primitive. By eight PM a procession of stunted shadowy figures can be seen trailing toward the grey rusting building each being picks a now lit lantern and proceeds to form a circle within the hanger waffled chit chat I observe and then there is the whistle and shaped being called pointed hand and it’s hand goes through a gap in the grey hanger door to alight upon a higher hill. The thousand little lantern peoples must prepare so in procession lamps on they waddled out the big hanger door toward an Auric horn higher up the trail glowing deep and moaning in sound and steam the little lantern people marched in a train of light to the Auric horn.


God preceded time, we invented divisions of time. As we evolved but we need not think of ourselves as clever, it is when one goes to sleep discovery is made being conscious in a troubled world is burdensome and extreme, we find peace somewhere else, some are yet to discover. Remember we are all transient beings much of our own invention and reinvention in a living world. No man is above another. We are driven, driven by primordial instinct. It is difficult to achieve but very easy to forget in a vortex of emotions.

Mason Cult Political Rant

In 1957, the Prime Minister, Harold Macmillan told a Conservative rally in Bedford that the people of the UK had never had it so good. It may seem as though we are more distant than ever from the days of the post-war boom, just before the swinging sixties crashed into the seventies and on to the demolition of industry under Thatcher. For example, now more than 100,000 people have lost jobs due to the impact of the government’s response to the corona virus pandemic. Young people see dreams crushed due to failings in the exam system and the prospect of a no deal Brexit is written about in the pen of the doom-mongering journalists.

Yet, I will argue that, despite the tragic trail of the virus, we have, in fact, never had such a great opportunity to reflect, rebuild and restore this country as a centre for industry and to build a much fairer and more socialist state. We need the government to commit to a policy of buying British; supermarkets to be encouraged to invest in UK produce, which is guaranteed by stringent UK quality control. Our universities have shown magnificent flair in working towards finding a vaccine for the virus and distance learning opportunities have flourished. We need to invest further into research opportunities and technology. With technology comes all the requisite sub-industries and trades. Our young people are willing to work and need apprenticeships that lead to jobs. The care sector can flourish if its staff are paid better for the hard work they undertake. Yet this renaissance needs to be centrally controlled.

Now we have left the EU and learnt how unwise it is to have a country that depends so greatly on the service sector, we can repair the damage done over the past fifty years. In 1957, we may have had a flourishing economy, but it flourished largely because nationalised services and industries formed the backbone of the economy and led to a robust infrastructure. If we aim towards the instigation of a more socialist government with a policy for egalitarian investment and nationalisation then once again, we can have it good we can have it very good indeed.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive