Thinking of a Sky

Thinking of a sky much in tune with the present, thousands and millions of skies phenomenon?. Or god man was dealt the puzzle, languages essence and auras the experiment commenced, everything stank and hurt the obnoxious act procurement of innocents crying to this sky and every woman, joy after sacrifice and pain. All grew mostly faulty in the experimental environments bone and dust became the squirm of swine herds, grunting sniffing acorns from trees of strength but always and always a magnitude of duplicitous sky.

You Yearn

You yearn to see them but they are gone, I look up as far as I can go stuck upon the ground I know I cannot fly, breezes softly glance hair upon my ears where are you all. Now short circuits in the mind, struggle to interpret ate loss thoughts on intangible entities in common streets.

I feel the cold brush of self determined souls most driven by fear and vulnerabilities, so I run and run till breath and age allows me no more, I ask where have they gone I am near the past and to a beyond where those I loved in human lines have gone, but the messages still come and a make believe ladder is waiting for all to ascend to a benevolent creator where we can harbour in no fear.

A Once Bleating Heart

If I do religion parrot fashion am I going to be saved is the wall going up on evil, will we sit behind it in relief, as evil groans at the other side. Will we then run and run into the distance with no discernible end and what of joy, where will it be, do we run alone. Who else is there, was the promise broken or is it life not as we had known it with the benevolence of a once beating heart.

The Order is Silent

The order is silent curtain by curtain, street by street, all is closed but for a faded light and lagoons fill with unspoken truth, drowning interrogation from the master. A drop in deep green water but the curtains remain closed and dim light still fazed, a sky ship rises but they; I mean they, did not obtain what they wanted…

Blonde Saviour

I’m faithless, life made me that way in shear numbers the odds were stacked one mind pushing a million more back in a false endeavour, as evolution was sliding me away, an individual’s prayer in the masses. Like drowning in the ocean, who has the right to ask in this crucible of despair. Like young animals if we are treated right we might be kind, but we fight poverty inequality, discrimination in demarcation zones of modern life. Where even shouting louder never gets you heard, so we look to the sky on a clear evening. That can be a prayer if only I could reach the stars that tempt the mind to hope for better, till the silver ships arrive and a blonde saviour and partner shining Adam and with his eve, for we will start again.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive