Advent of Dawn

Advent of dawn in the light of the lenses shining upon droves of trailing wanderers emerging from dawn mists in greys, apparel from where we know, not yet disturbing shadows, casting men twice with a trailing spirit that follows. Dragging strained and forever more I turn to watch as thousands of shadowed grey souls disappear again into evening mists.

I Cannot See

The moon I cannot see through troublesome clouds it will never pull me up unless I see it in full of other universes, where families live hidden from my sight, or comprehend when mother moon quarters herself and hides the mysteries by obstinate illumination. Another world hidden from our minds dim below where only half a cup of truth exists .

In a Box I Turn

Dark and lonely in a box I turn for comfort and find my box has some windows but the view is no better than that of other boxes. In my yard some have stones upon them so there is no escape, sometimes there are moles scratching around my box.  My innate state in the dead of night, guarded by many trees. The box door reads welcome but there are no visitors that one would be at ease with, how can that be, for above those around say I am dead with no forwarding address.


You shouldn’t be so powerful as the wind strips you bare, all your suits, your medals your mind, your unkind, your destroying a world your mother bonded you to.  Your the leader your stripped so bare, your exposed to the snares of angry populace. Your treachery and nepotistic legions, you look like old Mulder and your smoking man has gone, but your conspiracies no larger than a room, now your destroying the world, now facing the sun what on earth is god going to do with you

Tree Brothers

So far my tree brothers and sisters have not defended ourselves in the forest, lungs of the world that we are.  Pushing and sensing we grow for a century or more in that time we develop senses a type of sight, we have energy within and even inform you in our rings as to the passing of years, dose that not make you think, put your ear to us and feel the pull of our energy.  Yes we look awkward and funny to look at in our random poses, you can even hide or shelter under our summer canopies and we cast our cushion of medallion leaves upon earth ground and do not forget our spinning seeds given to earth man for eternity…as you wander through the forest, we whisper and we know.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive