The Love of 1929 & Ignore

Under the bushel tin, undisturbed since 1929 there remains a secret no one thought to disturb, a curiosity of the heart played its song within the reverb. To its spiritual sense of love, imprisoned, stifled of delivery, into a light that would be hard to bare. Of letters of love repressed under circumstances and secrets, that matter not for writer and recipient, have flown in sunlight the strength of earthly yearning. Gone footsteps now approach dusty doors and cobwebs rest on the bushel of neglect over unmarked love letters from 1929.


Ignore the pain numbness of time, stifling discord that sings not a harmonious tune, be vigilant of shadows and who is really walking beside you. For it could be many but only one disturbs and troubles that of a discarnate corrosive enemy twisting and pulling at inner decency, who ignore cries from the poor and disabled and wont share inherent space nor give a garden to play under the only sky we share.

An ODE To COVID & Now Saved

Corona virus the secret untold obviously we have not had World War 3 the world population is unsustainable, climate change and provision supply stretched to the limit. Then there is the hidden world leaders meetings encrypted access to the monster of all plans. The Subtle Control of World Population under the protection of the Masonic hammer, if only you knew poor people of the world, that you are now controlled and dispatched to the final frontiers by not just one but one of many viruses with the perpetrators behind the symbol.

Now Saved

The other plains of truth I speak of, you at a crossroads, exists where all variants of direction exist. Central, waiting are those wise enough to meet, in recognition what has to change, man is an evil can be an evil being, now save for the misunderstood who suffer dogmas meted out by the most evil from discarnate roots.

Why The Challenge & When All Is Seen

Why the challenge for space upon earth when so much is there, why the condensation of mortals, in portals of squeezed and desperate impoverished cities, towns, and many villages if the governments are so bad how come the rations get through. What is this sick game, what gives any right to a so called leader, north, south, east, or west to sanction brutal actions in the name of their unseen unproven god. There isn’t one is there. So its money power education, from earmarked educational enclaves elite policies of control not decanted to mere mortals upon fragile earth and the very nature of a polluted world that has changed any rational component, of any, once maybe, rational mind. The world will evolve and reclaim itself with nothing and no one, the winds and rains as they roll, the plains with intermittent sunshine trying to break through but struggling in bitter as I who’s left to hear these heavy and bleak moments in a now timeless time.

When All Is Seen

When all is seen as disability remember the mother and her baby, looking into newborn eyes how baby came about not sordid but in blind love, a future not to see but forethought, a wonder innate in clarity. Of visionary parents plans, many are thwarted by all that is yet to know as we are sour today selfish unyielding next in our selfish wants, which are to witness all around, pinched faces posed by media is a norm tongues, are saved as no one speaking definitions and political social narratives of a busy class system. Chirps but on sour notes and never free from the want and the the happy grow child, who wants friends a blessing to a world that wont talk as it could but this child now laughs and continues to inspire.

Are We Just A Phenomena By Mason Cult

With no clear clarified authentication from authorities this pertinent enquiry begs to be made. You will be aware there exists the bodies of science, the imagination of religion, the starving of oxygen to the brain for experiences through breathing practices. Hard research fact verses natural human curiosity and fear all within human psyches. We constantly ask are we just a phenomenon too deep to fathom. However something is watching over us all the time occasionally revealing themselves, in various shapes and light, so are these sightings our creators will?. Maybe they are and maybe they are not concerned with the earth model project it has gone too far and that Judgement day is not too far from the now.

Greta Thuneberg & My Aspergers

The young climate activist Greta Thuneberg is not surprisingly accurate in her comments upon the condition of modern politicians, for her condition of Asperger’s Syndrome has brought her here and she is very lucky to have been helped, to this point, by research and development into this condition. I Mason Cult Warrior poet have Asperger’s and acknowledge that I am too old now to receive any minor accolade for struggling along with this condition. For I am sixty years of age now, it makes me like the rain man. Sometimes my mind will fire up to a fine creative standard, but can soon fall, as rubble and will have to be built all again. All is lost I disguise my outward appearance, covers many things or should I say it is not any easier for a guy of sixty.

I feel guilty because my eldest son has a more extreme version of my condition which sadly means that he is in a therapeutic environment I worry for him greatly. I have had greater moments sharing with others the gift of poetry for lets say social issues I am a campaigner for anti discrimination of the poor campaigns against the government bedroom tax, housing campaigns for non stigmatised social housing and in the past few years, as Mason Cult Warrior Poet. Greta Thuneberg is correct upon the prognosis of pro typical politicians for they created a demonic education system setting up tests for children so they could be controlled. Not a fine tool for any happy future tests of intense pressure, they would not dream of putting themselves under this, it has created so many millions of youngsters having acute mental health difficulties beyond any rational norm.

Politicians wanted to create this rivalry and elitism so even parents promote their children as expectant tools to boast of, vulnerable youngsters have fragile minds in what is an accelerated vile world. Where money is god and no moral code works, so lets celebrate youngsters with fine minds qualified or not.

Let us break the politicians vile elitists bubble that serves them in their ugly old house, let the light in, stop using, as always, the tentacles of religion as a tool and do not bully those with afflictions of the mind. The ones that are afraid to speak, politicians, people. Especially the young, do not like you at alL, Mason Cult The Asperger’s Poet.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive