May Of Africa A Political Rant.



It is now May of Africa forsaking the intelligent agendas and concerns of Brussels, Mrs May prefers to seek trade with countries that have appalling human rights records including genocide to name one. BRITAIN has been trading with the continent of Africa for centuries, the pitfalls are known already to most, Mrs May is looking for a pleasant Brevity but there isn’t one and I have this feeling this woman  and her chums will keep this economy going even if this mean concessions for people coming from all over this world, especially in the ares of housing and opening the gates to more foreign people swelling an already overcrowded country such as Britain. So watch this space. Trade with other countries respectfully but don’t make big waves of trading more exclusively with Africa British people don’t want to lose their identity we have had year on year of this we can’t even house people in this country as it is in the year 2018,

Love and Care Away.

We don’t want your bodies just your sperm, women in their own right men now in their places picking up the pieces. The good men paying for the bad but the good ones go also as women cast love and care away. Sexless becomes a better description as of now equality is as status quo neither one way or the other.

The Silver Ships.

Rise of the silver ships in the nightime sky looking for you or I, no obvious preference detected just fresh and alive will do.

For the silver ships need more of us to know more as mass intergration looms you may witness the clues already they keep calling this team work, now citizens listen your sterling efforts are needed as the silver ships twist and turn away to return tomorrow.

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