I Had Never & Army of the Outfall & Dr Mason

Many years passed in our conventional world’s and time was near for what became known as the great unlocking I was instructed through the deepest of meditations to reach out to one of the universal portals where I was to mentally connect with those travelling a similar path.

I had never in my short life of travel had knowledge of these others, so refreshed I would be by this awakening that my nervous system tingled aloud to me, In the strangest of ways, it was almost an anticipation of living forever which I was scared and sceptical about .

But on an evening of the brightest star ever seen, several white glow domes approached in a line before our group of mediators each portal opening drawing what would be new incumbents of a new dawn, drawn to transformation by powerful meditations. Crown chakras were definitely growing and glowing above our auras and our perception levels arose beyond our imagination, beings were being taken by cosmic Adepts. We were not of earth blood anymore and the journey to the new life streams had begun to call this heaven.

Army of the Outfall

Army of the outfall wrath of society that is dead if not rotton to the core deep within the veins of man in in the last century voiceless legless and armless earth absorbs the god head in the in the form of sun and it’s magnetic intervention the last days of earth , funny isn’t it earth isn’t aware we are on it she doesn’t grumble but does react like the atom man altered for destruction .Though the time is poised we are again nearing the edge of destruction before the void appears that man will never breach again to survive as he has always managed to do but this time he me and you that is will be gone and with that any sense of importance with it back to the swirling god’s in the nebular we will go waiting for absolutes direction earth will have a notional sense of release from our destruction.

Dr Mason

Dr Mason, will see you now part of the plot you see. Dr Mason isn’t a Doctor you see, not in the general term of meaning. Dr Mason is one of many and many more working in the national bubble information trawler and twister attempting to put the average person into a panic, twisted sworn to secrecy and oath Dr Mason knows of the plot and the plan but it is worth more than his own life and time.

The world of secrets is drawing the gullible along a path of possibly no return and the final NHS record for millions, nothing since the days of the third Reich has such a secret plan been juggled into action. Dr Mason is only part of it as there many more Dr Masons involved. What we are desperately waiting for is one to break rank so we can start to breath once more and find our voices in what is supposed to be a democracy of sorts. Followed by a public enquiry and and the vast swamp of lodge politicians then brought to trial for misleading a country amidst the web of Corona virus pandemic panic. Dr Mason by the way retired.

A Rumble

There is a rumble deep in outer space, in anger it amasses nothing else is known, it is for now trapped and there exists anger that cannot be revealed. At this moment man is so ignorant trying to save himself like every living thing. He and IT, fear death but we cannot stop fear and God is a difficult concept not seen but at the same time all around in random action. Known as the work of God but every day now if you listen in a quiet moment you will detect this deep rumble, the remixing of atoms has begun we just wait for the vaporising white light and all will be gone again but this time no evidence remains.

In Wind

In wind, in pockets of wind, it comes in clouds, in fluffy clouds, it comes, spores, seeds, pellets of doom. Blown by wind to a stop, on a calm day, in a calm way. We are not liked down here down there and everywhere it comes glancing, dancing about your face. Pushed deep and upward to your brain a virus of many disturbing disturbances with nothing else to do. Self mutating and proliferating, postulating for the storm the tsunami, the mother of darker evolution from the clouds mouths open and blowing.

If I…

If I am re-incarnated as a cat I will sleep upon cord jackets, I have now seen in my human life thus far the comfort and peace within the cat, two on one cord jacket curled in a mystic harmony and at the end of my time if I return as a cat trapped as I may feel in my new clothes I will curl on that cord jacket oh the calm

I Cry For The Celeb.

Do you remember crying in your beer for a dead star you thought you might know today. Do you cry for a celebrity who brings no joy, never makes you happy, but somehow does the business, whilst I sit with my ugly self-imposed version of doom

Pluto The Flat Cat That Went Splat.

An epitaph to the feline friend of Mason Cult.

Stone cats in the sun will they ever live again, feral destiny was never good my squashed cat friend has expired. His short coil now ended abandoned flat and no more, now his coat is his, all his soul has sped away. 

We noted him, we will try to remember him, but I sense we will all be stiff one day. Our thoughts will be as rigid as our bodies it a price we pay for gods gift short or long, that is mortality for Pluto the tomcat he is dead.

Tickets To The Parallel Universe

Tickets to the parallel universe we’ve all had those moments, you know the ones you may go to bed for to rest awake and drift off, but it is not a dream, for you are somewhere else not a frightening place for you are not quite there yet.

Is it the future or could it be the past you get caught up in five hundred years ago or it could be a distant time it is all to play for as the gateway to other worlds swirls in your head.

So you go back to a time talking to your friend near an open fire in the cottage, your friend says “have you ever thought sitting here with me that another world is running along side ours, people sit, go about business in blissful ignorance of us in a parallel world, perhaps we are sat in a car park and who knows perhaps we occasionally see each other in matrix type glitches. It really could be a crowded place and maybe we should not know about this aspect of our creation, perhaps the creator has played out an enduring mystery. It may frighten us and them and compromise our thoughts in current existence.”

Will we open up the door or should I return to the sleep and think of where this may take me.

Dreams are often confusing and I have always wondered why anyone would use them as a basis to place any wish upon.

What exactly was happening in the room me and my friend sat in, is the past in operation or has the future commissioned itself, is it flowing by control from a giant computer like in the matrix, but one cannot see it, the carpet of human beings upon earth just a phenomena without cause or reason to be solely determined in progress by the multiple mistakes of mankind.

This could leave the impression that there are many earths existing somewhere else in different stages of development. But how do we access or enter the unknown of the parallel universe, we learn to let it into our minds and that means we must have a preview of how to engage the correct orbit. So we must utilise the inner tunnels of our minds unknowingly perhaps we are entangled with those from the parallel world.

The theory goes that as the Lord made the world in seven days you have seven inner orbits within your mind indicating several different worlds at various different development stages in their own time and histories. You are in the one you exist in currently and there could other you’s tall you, small you, different colour you, different times and lives all acting in unity with a divine will to sample all of what it has created in all variants.

In very infrequent cases you may be sat in a room in a relaxed semi conscious state, where you are aware something is going on in that room, will you push your hand forward and feel the other side, will the other you see you, will you greet each other or will the other you look in shock that a twin in another world peers inwards, the creator plays a strange game of dice for sure. Tickets to the parallel universe on sale soon.

Multiverse The Case For Parallel Universe






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