Mason Cult the Cruel Misuse of Land.

For all known time so called man and some women have taught and claimed land territory, whether in democracy or eventual dictatorship. It has happened, the politics of the one person state. We know who the examples are, no need to go into that one. However with that said, along comes starvation and mass exodus, those affected fleeing to countries that are already overcrowded.

In some cases people flee from famine ravaged countries, but some do not and that usually comes down to those countries occupied by evil regimes. They are in many ways occupiers of fertile lands. This seems to indicate that the human race doesn’t deserve the title of human, when the real facts are that of misuse of fertile underdeveloped landmasses, that are halted by either dictatorships with inhuman leaders or poor countries. Kept poor by agricultural ineptitude lack of investment and beyond this, it becomes simply obvious that millions of lives crammed together in overdeveloped cities and towns are going to fail and this does fuel interracial tension, of which, in developed countries there should be none in the year 2020.

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