Covid i predict a trial like Nuremburg

Nation beware of the local political doctors, the deciders of the rationing of treatment begin to operate, let’s take private dentists as an example, let me point to NHS dentistry, once again they say that they are short of P.P.E equipment or none at all.

Are they as private providers in a better position to supply this, if you are one of the many NHS patients allowed to sit with the private patients on the list, one is told you cannot have essential treatment.  Which of the private plan clients are they allowed to treat.

A grey area, citizens of totalitarian Britain. We have a group of veiled Nazis in government but let them not forget the vote, both Tory and Labour can’t do without each other when it comes to political power, they and the increasing power of local authority control and the middle class busy bodies on community engagement forums, they are the new Mr and Mrs Bumbles poking their way into decanting community spy information and helping dinner party doctors in making the list of who in virus lock down world lives or dies. A sad world.

If the virus came from anywhere then it came from more than one country and more than one facility it could be termed as professional, medical, societal, political correctional murder to balance the populations, the higher masonic I suggest are involved at every professional level. But sworn to threatening secrecy the poor and vulnerable are not offered an opinion. They are but a wiped name from a morticians register board this government blatantly issued a media statement to the public, saying be prepared for the passing of many in the communities. But the poor are still too many, too many for the voices to be silenced. Boris Johnson is a media construct helped by Dominic Cummings and it is just a question of time before the whole deck of cards comes down and believe me there will be much, much anger.

Latest Audio Poems Susie Swan & My Father

Susie Swan

A short story for kids as Susie Swan saves the wood from General Snail…

My Father

This is about my father County Councillor John Wilson a native of Scale House Farm Galgate Lancaster who died in 1973 suddenly age 44 yrs wouldn’t mind it read out sometime sadly missed.

Mason Cult Political Rant

In 1957, the Prime Minister, Harold Macmillan told a Conservative rally in Bedford that the people of the UK had never had it so good. It may seem as though we are more distant than ever from the days of the post-war boom, just before the swinging sixties crashed into the seventies and on to the demolition of industry under Thatcher. For example, now more than 100,000 people have lost jobs due to the impact of the government’s response to the corona virus pandemic. Young people see dreams crushed due to failings in the exam system and the prospect of a no deal Brexit is written about in the pen of the doom-mongering journalists.

Yet, I will argue that, despite the tragic trail of the virus, we have, in fact, never had such a great opportunity to reflect, rebuild and restore this country as a centre for industry and to build a much fairer and more socialist state. We need the government to commit to a policy of buying British; supermarkets to be encouraged to invest in UK produce, which is guaranteed by stringent UK quality control. Our universities have shown magnificent flair in working towards finding a vaccine for the virus and distance learning opportunities have flourished. We need to invest further into research opportunities and technology. With technology comes all the requisite sub-industries and trades. Our young people are willing to work and need apprenticeships that lead to jobs. The care sector can flourish if its staff are paid better for the hard work they undertake. Yet this renaissance needs to be centrally controlled.

Now we have left the EU and learnt how unwise it is to have a country that depends so greatly on the service sector, we can repair the damage done over the past fifty years. In 1957, we may have had a flourishing economy, but it flourished largely because nationalised services and industries formed the backbone of the economy and led to a robust infrastructure. If we aim towards the instigation of a more socialist government with a policy for egalitarian investment and nationalisation then once again, we can have it good we can have it very good indeed.

Sir Twat is Knighted

So we are going to be once again fearful of these set of bastards. Duncan Smith become Sir this after making thousands homeless

So we are going to be once again fearful of these set of bastards. Duncan Smith become Sir this after making thousands homeless after the inception of the bedroom tax. This included a former friend who nursed her husband for two years with prostate cancer, the lady herself ended up having stent treatment for her heart. Her husband a good deal older, had served as a bomb armourer in the war. Duncan Smith should be held accountable via the UN. The bedroom tax was the worst social engineering move in a generation . It is such a shame the Labour Party had so little to say on this matter ah, but I forgot they all had mortgages.  We have now got the most disgusting set of people running the country Britain’s humans are a selfish disgrace. So I say come on working class borrow some more money on the right to buy former council house. Deny others be selfish and most of all please die for the Tories, labour have already gone to hell and the Lib Dems, well they just continue to have fondue parties and pretend to be stars in the good life. Hey ho here we go five years of poor bashing, in the new Boris dictatorship tally ho this blond fox will ransack your mind and dignity. Shame on the table banging working man.

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