Storming Into Summer With More Poems For You.



Did you know the Auras have a code of practice I walk along it seems unfriendly, the Aura it bothers me? So I wonder why, face after face passes me place after place a scowl of disapproval so this is the world now. So how do I survive I was told a way by an unknown master I cannot reveal he said “my son doesn’t look, keep walking, keep straight, and don’t pick up or take in the Aura of others and you will be fine and yes you will heal transmit your blessing to all who pass you, and you will be blessed.

The Breed

This is the year, the breed, the beards, the muscles all over the place the hypermasculine, expand and steroid terror moves in disturbed minds raging through violent England. Women are now like men and more than nasty. Peace is now a period of a dispute the resolution often death, when the beards are shaved off the peace will once again come and change will arrive. Pass me the jungle juice I am on the weights, oh did I not tell you I am one of them.

I Am A Spirit

I’m a spirit on day release, I thought I’d tell you this. I’ll tap you on the shoulder to let you know. I’ll squeeze your wrist I’ll touch your brow I’ll turn a cloud to blow on your cheek, I’ll stay awhile and then kiss your cheek to tell you I love you and then I will go followed by the most haunting wind you’ve ever heard. Whoosh it is I, there and gone. Yet strangely here trapped in my world and yours.

The Harvest

The harvest will come I know of that, the dictators are surrounded now their days are done, trust me. I know of this, the evil will break, the evil will drown, and an echo of laughter and happiness will be heard around the world. The vibration will be long until the bad has gone trust me I know. A day like never before will dawn the sun is for everyone love will be felt everywhere, my ears are different and soon you’ll know why soon you will know because I know that change will be forever.


Were we ever our brother’s keeper look at us now tightly packed but with all the space in the world, no it’s territorial the mind of distorted humans going higher, or is it down and down to Hades. Seems like control but it is high and you might fall man is not a bird. Where are the minds when your garden is dead but a long way down, where there is no sense, there is no feeling and all that followed is nowhere fighting and killing government is down am I really my brother’s keeper too busy fighting to survive? God is on the back burner ready to explode now that’s atomic.




Poetry & Yet More Poetry From Our Poetic Warrior Archive

God Morning

God morning to you, yes God morning not good morning, I think he is responsible for this day that is a given a day and a date to boot. My number is somewhere, anywhere, I am trying to find it.  I hope I’m not on the list for the plan God says it is not convenient to ask anything of him today as he is getting the new people ready he’s fed up with us now we are too violent he whispered in my ear.


Always gain a new perspective, it might save the day, look to the skies in different ways.  It is always new, it is always refreshing. Look for virgin landscapes where nothing sits upon the hill that is above us, we are below I can’t be a bird but my imagination is high. The outer limits where new dawn waits and hopes stay alive, pass the Yanga juice I need it.


An Ode To The Southport Marine Lake.

I am in a small Gondola my hands paddle me along I listen to the echo’s in the void I go slowly to the center of the marine lake an entrance reveals I am entering the next world who will greet me. Ahhh even god can wait, as I crack open my seventh tinny…lunchtime o bozzle that is the way. But hark the lake pulls me like a monster, I have fallen from my boating steed…

Welcome to neutral peace land in a timeframe of my own lunch hour, I sit, and for the first time in a long time I rest, I hear birds I think joy, and in the gap there is silence but for the cooing of pigeons making their box tidy, oh busy birdie, one will pop outside to look up at this bird, my feathered friend acknowledges me, I believe that is a miracle. We have common ground me and birdie, he drinks pints you know…

Open The Mind

Open the mind let the universe in, like a river that flows. It made you and sent you forward upon evolutions way. From day to day we changed but albeit slowly, fashioned to the state we are in now. Tell me what state will we be in soon I know not. Yet be still and know that you are God.

The Gum of the Past

Everything we’ve ever done leaves its mark, looking back where was that fingerprint, ah, is it still there half a century old now. A bit lonely as millions of others are. So I went on a mission to save it, bring it home and frame it from my grey Aunt’s stair rail, with the dried chewing gum in the gap. I had to ask the new owner as the fact is I never inherited the house. Split three ways. With a thousand in cash for someone’s dog never mind, I’ll have the fingerprint back though. Oh, I wonder if the gum still chews…and Uncle Cyril is on the phone, that cash it looks like the ink is smudging on the notes !!!!


Time to end the brutality of the times. Not that we have ever defeated it, survives all time of history, the capacity to be cruel and dominating what exactly did our so-called God create yes, the fauna and playground breeding grounds for the hordes. Why can’t we go to the paradise of a kind island? The language of the shadows where prowlers live among the curious lower kingdoms secretly the monthly change of lunar activity sees shadow bolting from holes to who knows where and tapping you upon the shoulder and in low breath warning it’s time.



If Aliens

If Aliens are bad then where are the blessed ones it is hard to say, have they left us?. Have they vacated terra earth did the vision of the blessed one make them depart, what is to befall us all? Is earth indeed to be cleansed given rest for all it has suffered, there is panic around now and no time to talk. Streets are vacated where are the people. Has life has metaphorically gone to ground, cables wires, and satellites in the skies above, and who invented normal. What defines such a world now, that exists, in partial hiding. in rarified rooms of intensity, angst, and stagnation.

Latest Audio Poems Susie Swan & My Father

Susie Swan

A short story for kids as Susie Swan saves the wood from General Snail…

My Father

This is about my father County Councillor John Wilson a native of Scale House Farm Galgate Lancaster who died in 1973 suddenly age 44 yrs wouldn’t mind it read out sometime sadly missed.


God preceded time, we invented divisions of time. As we evolved but we need not think of ourselves as clever, it is when one goes to sleep discovery is made being conscious in a troubled world is burdensome and extreme, we find peace somewhere else, some are yet to discover. Remember we are all transient beings much of our own invention and reinvention in a living world. No man is above another. We are driven, driven by primordial instinct. It is difficult to achieve but very easy to forget in a vortex of emotions.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive