A Selection of Poems From Mason Cult


Vortex theatre of life spinning to the lords of adaptions in creative vibrations,  my friend whispered to me there’s a strong breeze upon the morrow and the river snakes another way, waters sink to fibres and parchment tree bark is tight leaves appear to pose in thirst a sky glows and pulses, hot streams fly in abandon of purpose as life was in evolution’s.

Wake, no careful hands are seen poking down and holding life together, scattered beings whose technology was now an enemy and subverted by the lords of change; Earth you were warned of this and signs for years prodded those with thought, my friends if you hear me the invasion is nigh but how will you prosper when you are bereft and alone as naked as a moment in the garden of Eden .

Shadow Shifters.

Grey shadow shifters all around us, sweeping grey gazes come from nothing, flock of birds so fast and vast correlation ensues chase and chase, desperate emotions pulling loved ones to your head, capture, keep, never let go.  Hold tightly run away again with them just as a wind doth blow all o’er land and concerns so to you in senseless currents. Oh god of all where  do we go holding on in sweet emotional teardrops, as back to the fibres of earth entangled we go.

Sadness Within Our Minds.

We are faulty species with sadness within our minds, we cannot stop filling spaces within us.  It is not love that makes this so, to manage as cattle unruly wandering species upon an unknowing earth, that bares us as a feather living and dying on a thin crust with weight beneath pressure and gravity.  Slowly turning as if to ache in the great silence of cosmic abandon that freely changes it’s infinite pattern to a now abandoned plan.  So exhausted by the creation in hibernation, cosmic masters rest to return and right the wrongs of plans that placed a faulty model of what is known on earth.  As man my brothers, there is a mission to move into the light of restitution an absolute of all seeing mind in the new eye of Horus let the winds blow my lonely servants.

Sadness Beyond…

Sadness beyond your ever beliefs in what we will never know, the consuming of one’s heart in disasters on emotional rich terse scales and maps visions, and sounds in haunting boom divorced for deliverance in the hills, sound wave fault lines in the crying groaning earth bang to boom so much your ears died music will never cover this sound as it is all sound the beginning and the end.

Waking For A Sunrise

One more waking for a sunrise I see my god rise beyond the tangible mind what will grow will I go what will happen upon that day consciousness is matter of impression as I stand facing fears and foes on the journey of escape and a Horizon that know one ever crosses or dares to believe beyond is different from the now.

Love Is An Energy

Love is an energy not emotional diversion without energy love would die and the great cause would cease in the quest for a prescribed feeling. You bear the fruits of devotion well in life’s uneven diversions that dance upon hard straight board dusty and dry til chakras petals bloom in line incumbents of these unknowingly are we.

I Plant The Seeds

I plant the seeds where ever  I go, on verge in field upon hillside and mountainside, in my death these trees planted will not diminish as they are hidden in the secret valley of time where all angry violent people are forbidden.  No monetary plan will attract wrong thought on land in God’s eternal reservation where wild beasts and foul roam in predatory fashion and all is balanced by nature within and above an exclusive sky given to the meek in order to recover from bruising of evil as god promised. You are now safe and remain in protective auras of the sun god of all life eternal.

So smile share the world with that one as broad as the breadth of mother earth as sunny as a dawning day giving birth to showering energies cast over us all in the hope some would shine through altering the course of human beings turning the tide with the highest moon pulling hate and disease away from terrace gone rogue.


Why wouldn’t you preserve love in a lake so big you would love to drown in it the shimmering light of a sun upon the deep waters of mystery as it is known to you and all that surrounds you pin dust existence are we all our significance in conciosness while a beating heart survives to keep a mind alive.

Mind Enlightened

Mind enlightened, alighting in white fear glowing in auras abound in solid state receptors listen and broadcast at large on the long journey to cosmic ascension we will be free for what forever is cosmic consciousness super vacuum pineal gland accentuated vertical vortex take us to our universe for our final initiation A.U.M in creation preservation transmigration.




For Mother

For all mothers.  She died not long ago a shining light, a face as sculpture in a track of life upon a belt of stars, on par with life streams. Upon a journey to be cared for in everlasting light that shineth through to eternity.  Waiting there for all who loves her mother’s are all…

Six Deep One Sin & I Put a Lid On

Six deep, one sin a minute, then out we go not conscious of any imminence optimism is the best ghost story, in your worst dream saving lives in intermittent waking under the pull of benevolent moon and in the morning god given sun so sustained are we.

I Put A lid On…

I put a lid on a fire and look for a sign it is lit there is smoke there are shapes in plumes I put another lid on I Stoke the fire it rages the shape is angry and determined but I am tired and can’t keep up with fire that consumes and delivers smoke equal measure to keep up with a fire in my heart that is trying to keep up with life running away

The Order is Silent

The order is silent curtain by curtain, street by street, all is closed but for a faded light and lagoons fill with unspoken truth, drowning interrogation from the master. A drop in deep green water but the curtains remain closed and dim light still fazed, a sky ship rises but they; I mean they, did not obtain what they wanted…

Blonde Saviour

I’m faithless, life made me that way in shear numbers the odds were stacked one mind pushing a million more back in a false endeavour, as evolution was sliding me away, an individual’s prayer in the masses. Like drowning in the ocean, who has the right to ask in this crucible of despair. Like young animals if we are treated right we might be kind, but we fight poverty inequality, discrimination in demarcation zones of modern life. Where even shouting louder never gets you heard, so we look to the sky on a clear evening. That can be a prayer if only I could reach the stars that tempt the mind to hope for better, till the silver ships arrive and a blonde saviour and partner shining Adam and with his eve, for we will start again.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive