The Kingdom of Heaven Morally Bankrupt Stock Sale…



No divinity it is all a show, for everything a price no wonder, new spiritual cuts grab a bargain shoppers heaven is now on sale on Sunday, bidding will start St Peter is the judge & auctioneer. Heaven is underfunded god is at large elsewhere in another universe.

It is said the pilot has left the plane, no safety valves in the volcanoes the lava about to blow there is poison in the ant hills, we are not so busy, no workers cannot escape the blocked holes, for the last time leaves have fallen the last one on Christmas Day.


I Am Not A Friend.

Somewhere neutral in the sky is that where we wait when we die, we are the life, we do death, make no bones about it we are mobile evil who roam this earth, mixing the bombs and dropping them.

I am a devil working my way through earth to hell, have pity on the poor now living for I am not a friend. Mason Cult.


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