Covid It’s Death All The Way

Covid its death all the way and a hop skip and jump to the thrift society way. How else could it have been achieved, the wheat from the chaff, the secret clearout. The healthy eating, a new compliant society polite and passive in a world holy cooperative and controlled by a state machine. It will take a seriously brave group of individuals to alter the course of events. Will the rule over us be a liberty of sorts or a working walking sense of a former life. With the additions under the same sun as seen before, all disease is set upon us by our own direction. Oh yes it is real what we see but the overplan is unknown and administered by those upon the astral plane in the dead of night or does truth reside with the political spin doctors who are puppets of the worldwide political elite. As of this moment no-one dare question. Upon thy fate may rest, indeed very scared are we. The reverb of new hope is sorely needed to save the world.

Warrior of Poetry Political Rant

As a poet and a social justice fan I reflect there is a right wing group in the Tory Party on a mission searching for a way to regain our freedom in this country. If they achieve this they will look good sound right and catch the mood of a desperate public. But and it is a big but, what most are unable to see is the overall achievement of a dictatorship, running from generation to generation. Consuming the decades as they go.

The other two main parties are hopeless they have no leaders, in fact they appear boneless all the wind is out of them, alas forlorn they look just agreeing with the rest to stay in their lifeboats.

I bet Johnson will be out by May there will be a coup and an empty seat will be filled, paving the way in our Lifetime a dictatorship of magnitude never to be touched whilst the poor will be searching the landfills for food and crime will be uncontrollable taken to extreme levels. I sigh deeply.

Xmas Poetry & Audio Poems Ep 1.

Audio Poems

Tramps are everywhere…
Hurried Stuff, mother is in the living room.
It’s Grim Up North

A Time.

A time when nothing is in your hands, manipulation occurs, from another source. It comes to visit by surprise it does so in doses to convince you literally your mind is not your own wait. And you will feel them sleep, then see forever.

Boys Who Were Kings

Boys who were kings at ten, now sit on their own, when they were old and grey cobwebs were spun around the stiffness as the chair rocked to and fro a long nose of nobility hit the shadows, the lightbulb swung. A shadow in the gap where once burned a fire in the once living hub of familial energy, a forefinger raised still above the right chair. Arm pointing, but the direction has gone. A figure walks past the glassless window a cool white full moon is helping the voice shouts out “anyone at home” “silence man, the king is dead close the door”. All reposed nothing to report

Hurried Stuff

Hurried stuff dark rainy day strained brain sat on me Todd watching a wheeze of a sixties slice of life semi biopic of the cultural time now gone it is but madness Norman Bates is here mother are you alive or dead no it is a slipper behind the door , where is mother she is but with axe ready in the front room still watching soaps whilst I’m still in a lather looking for an open door

Mason Cult Calls For A Revolution In Housing

The revolution must come from the hearts and minds of the ones at the bottom, not from the perceived top e.g. the conduits to power the political classes. Far too often those of us in adversity feel so powerless even more so now that hardcore socialism appears to be so diluted as not to exist.

The first mortgage usually kills that one , but it is deeper than that, council housing properly managed would be a great achievement especially when it has been so derided by all three political parties as non ambitious, this boils down in many ways to media and government propaganda. The unwillingness to build family sized council homes and any acknowledgement that this way of living is all millions can afford.

Many more may just want that community feeling back succession of tenure and much more to build a stable life . With consecutive administrations stratification of humans has been all followed by perceived social mobility with divisiveness at its heart that is morally wrong.

There is too much false want that takes up too much of humanities good bits and leaves the rest in tatters the money needs taking out of politics and some principle heart put back in to serve the people would be a good start followed by a systematic study of how real family housing with adequate space for families can be implemented.

Not more boxes in the sky and cramped flat blocks but as yet this has not happened and the problems multiply every minute of every day. Therefore, true socialist people should come forward as of now and end the dictatorship of Johnson, who is using the pandemic as a cover for initiating hidden brutal policies that will take the right of the less fortunate to exist, with multiple slave labour zero hours contracts dodgy tenancies, bad landlords and community controls to manage what he believes to be a herd of dissent they are all scroungers even those of the North who voted tory, it is they who have also been conned.

Political Letter To The Yorkshire Post

Dear Editor,

Too much aesthetic beauty is winning over substance I speak of the incessant need by media to portray glamour when what is required are the more earth bound folk who will address real subject matter that applies to everyday lives, for example council tax, poor housing, the diminishing welfare state, when the careful expansion of it would be strongly advised in these difficult times.

We listen to the every word of the vivid scientists but we cannot listen to our own hearts when we know there is something wrong and there is something very wrong. Not one local doctor or Council Leader has presented themselves properly and openly. At the start of covid 19 we have all been sucked into the worst act of political control ever.

I have been a political social activist for thirty two years many campaigns, led poll tax petition and Selby District bedroom tax campaign, pay to stay in your council home this would have been market rent not local wage related . I am proud of my efforts I have had Asperger’s Syndrome for most of my life with cognitive impairments a carer for the past fifteen years. People have commented don’t listen too him, mysterious phone calls I have had as well however my condition leaves me with savant political ability and that of the esoteric kind. I am a poet , but more commonly known now as LAIDLAW WILSON WARRIOR POET , but in reality I am Ian Laidlaw Wilson a human being with a disability and there has been a lifetime discrimination for the simple lack of understanding let this not happen to others

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive