COVID 19 My Political Rant Mason Cult.

This is very difficult to write about just as much as people find it hard to talk about. Where are the mass of ambulances rushing up and down the streets of Britain carting people away with Covid 19, Equally how many people are openly discussing the virus in public. I would suggest the figures are being tampered, in such a short time has this developed into the daily broadcast as seen in Russia, North Korea and no I’m not going down conspiracy avenue too many make bad money from that line.

Think about this we have slowly sunk into a form of totalitarian state the Tories have borrowed from many sources, put this in a mixing bowl and come out with a disaster movie. Another product of this time , well this seems to have worked nicely. Yes COVID 19 exists but runs with comorbidity afflictions there are nearly seventy million humans in Britain and a politically blind electorate too stressed to challenge government, the elected bodies from converging electoral boundaries designed to seat to suit political parties, who by the way all work to rig outcomes in elections.

In essence the Tories are playing life and death with you through channels of fear the quickest being the rather dishonest highly controlled media in particular social media, designed to get everyone at each others throats better to go back to the direct challenges of the public meeting room and a show of hands and the people you may who hide behind the veil of social media may reveal themselves if they dare to attend. This government of Johnson and the unelected Cummings is the very worst in living history, call it that if you wish, they have no right to carp about true Socialism one that seeks and demands a fairer world for all.

A Divided Nation We Stand & What Is A Brit ?

Much as we are a divided nation before the virus dug itself into the populace, the aftershock will be that of a much more divided nation, We’ve all done mass participation at sometime or or another without knowing who the hell your standing next to. We’ve travelled the world eaten and drank of its many delights, fornicated to profusion, and diluted the many cultures into vague pastel shades, and most want to be twenty first century celebs. But it is all at a cost, this has made cultural (racial identity) a blur. The old racial stereotypes are going fast and racism should be gone, but alas it has not. The media also paints idealistic nonsense of how folk get on, and very often you will find countries a closed shop. Identities contained in one street so post virus time, it remains an unanswered question are we more divided than you think or will street frictional atmosphere light like fires, posing more questions than answers.

What Is A Brit

The Brit is your friend in the pub, was he in the SAS, or Para, the Navy or Air Force, he is your drinking buddy, ship them all out and vote Brexit he said, appears to give a shit about his buddies but yet is self, self, self, all the way. Oh you know him, We all do.

What is a Brit he or she is a thug, without road paint, he plans war from the Thatcher inspired solitary have and have not society, he has virtual friends because he can’t be arsed to talk.

So Brit will have to cheep, is he that knows not his brother’s name, no name, for he knows when saving the stranger or neighbour at war, every opportunity for sex is on Tinder, millions of thoughtless encounters for he is a Brit. An unfortunate product of media politic control, someone who can’t laugh with his next door neighbour for fear his neighbours property will diminish, the value his own abode, we are a cheap shitty excuse for a so called society here are the Brits god help us all, we are all mates I think not.

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