The Seat

The seat we didn’t go to for judgment, we went for calm, ah we are the sheep that follow told to believe when murder and hate were on the loose, no peace, the fuse had gone. So death and destruction occurred one last way, out to the light. Upon the trial of a white pathway miles more than you could ever see or imagine.

Me To Mine

Me to mine, my thoughts need an exhaustive cleaning. Too much dirt I cannot live without the purity, I seek upon new pasture like a grazing bovine. I need new pasture so I can chew things over till I decide how to survive and indeed I ask myself is it worth it, as the bastards grind me down or try they won’t succeed tell that to the universe, oh yes the force is on the move.

To Hell In A Handcart

The Warrior of Poetry says we are all going to hell in a handcart, is that what you feel. Is it all for real this madness you feel, raise your arms sense is that bolt of electricity really going through you? I feel we are in shock we are now subverted, how do you feel is it real is this the deal to get you going, are you all mad enough to change the world at this moment in the power of now, do you want to know how to stick around something will tell you, take a ride on the golden bullet train to nowhere, me, myself and I are going off the grid.

More Poems From The Poetic Warrior


How Did I Get Here

Life closing down so we can be remodeled, no descent, no words, just sour faces. But some people must pay and they will happiness and laughter must show through with a new vista. Nothing should defeat us we are a world of huge energy the dictators must go one and all the moon’s a giant grin to smile in the twilight zone to hell with grim tales of woe we demand the best show so we can hear laughter for miles and forever and another day.


How did I get here I’m still waiting for answers in the meantime I shall try and live another day, this is the dry run for either heaven or hell there lays within an imbalance of feeling. I have to will myself on and I am lost for inspiration as God’s physical hand has never stopped me from falling so I tread with caution in my older age looking side to side for potential enemies which are often unknown. It’s hard to get older without being reassured but there is no choice as so far religion’s intervention has failed I remain a mortal till I die and death will turn the page for someone or something to start again.

The Ghost

The ghost skins they lay upon the floor we walk, all over them we little know of the truth in these matters, ceaseless reincarnations on and on a remodel every week the ground groans with the weight of action, a face greets me upon every waking ripple. Is it a face I’ve seen before, is it even my own once again it’s the confusion you know what I mean nothing is permanent.


Graduates of distress somber yet senseless, wired yet worried. Every cause for concern amplified OCD the lot of them. Wild and lonely are we unable to change the media children. A different kind of food among the dangerous criss-cross of hedge knitted congested radio waves rolling in the sea of unstoppable change.

Boc Hondo Saves a Short Story.

Boc Hondo had one month to tell the chosen ones for the gathering to go to planet Vixor, first, he must pay a visit to the Himalayan mountains he would find the Master Jesus in the seventh cave, who was still alive in modern times, the speed of light was required how could he be sure to find Jesus when all we had been prayers.

Box Hondo has been instructed by an Adept upon Mars that he and the outcasts must get to the chosen ones including Jesus upon planet earth ready for evacuation, the chosen ones will be trained to use the speed of light and to understand languages, and harness telepathy, energy healing will also be taught because the hospitals upon planet Vixor are understaffed. It was the earth year 2052 and a thousand viruses blew in the dense polluted earth. Governments had failed to halt or alter the use of the motor vehicle scared that economies would fail, the car carried on There was a protection energy field surrounding the Himalayan mountains, but Jesus had to be rescued. Boc Hondo superhero controller of the energy gate was busy and Boc’s Outcast’s patrolled the known perimeters twenty-four earth hours. No margin for error is allowed. He would just days before all going to Vixor witness the white energy field but for now, the campfires glow in anticipation of Boc Hondo to complete his mission to save Jesus, who was waiting to rendezvous with Hondo after all these years he was ready to save again and why did the Son of God need to be saved, well that was all in a days work for Boc Hondo and the Outcasts.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive