On To The Warm Place

Will the wind become music but not as sweet as a popular tune, if we could catch a wind to where our soul desires then surely our hearts will flow with it, away from trouble and troubled vice.

On to the warm place where the lonely are not alone and evils are left to die and fall to the haunted reservations.

Human Chain of Indifference.

Linked to destruction,  human chain of indifference disagreement divisory and dissolving war and land living wars. Hatred without understanding or discourse,  but earth beneath remains unmoved by your pointless action and feels not for man’s decisiveness, world without end apart from ours.

Oh For A Gap In The Sky.

Oh for a gap in the sky above, that is where I want to be something tangible beyond those clouds the comfort of a different world, a new model order without the smell of twisted aggression, on the back of vicious mind. It would be nice to be someone else free from the mess that is planet earth where anyone is pursuaded by the turn of a coin .

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive