May Of Africa A Political Rant.



It is now May of Africa forsaking the intelligent agendas and concerns of Brussels, Mrs May prefers to seek trade with countries that have appalling human rights records including genocide to name one. BRITAIN has been trading with the continent of Africa for centuries, the pitfalls are known already to most, Mrs May is looking for a pleasant Brevity but there isn’t one and I have this feeling this woman  and her chums will keep this economy going even if this mean concessions for people coming from all over this world, especially in the ares of housing and opening the gates to more foreign people swelling an already overcrowded country such as Britain. So watch this space. Trade with other countries respectfully but don’t make big waves of trading more exclusively with Africa British people don’t want to lose their identity we have had year on year of this we can’t even house people in this country as it is in the year 2018,

Masters In High Chairs A Commentary


The conspiracy and control and how this keeps the masters in their high chairs from the monarchy to feudal landlords, the banks governments national and local, it is all there to control and regulate as a world population spreads out of control.

In this heavy mix the greatest form of denial is that of a roof over ones head be it as a singleton or family, there is now a not so hidden state of homelessness, does society care I doubt it, those upon the streets are viewed as almost byproducts in the gutter a strong statement to make I know, but that is where we are in so-called society.

We also happen to be living in a judgmental and formulaic society where the only ways to move along in life are the prescribed ones usually driven by fear and failure through the conduit of politics and devious media and obvious peer pressure, there appears to be few exceptions to the dogmatic nature of passage and the greatest failure of the prescribed systems, more often than not they miss some very gifted humans who are on the Autism Spectrum I will not add to this the condition of Aspergers Syndrome as the identifier Hans Asperger is now known to have collaborated with the nazi regime in the extermination of disabled children.

Love and Care Away.

We don’t want your bodies just your sperm, women in their own right men now in their places picking up the pieces. The good men paying for the bad but the good ones go also as women cast love and care away. Sexless becomes a better description as of now equality is as status quo neither one way or the other.

Aliens Hold Congress

It was announced by scientists on this day that Aliens had held congress with leading humans to reveal in reality that we have believed in biblical falsehood and to declare that our belief in God is a falsehood, we are but free fall models as seed from trees, a planted phenomenon on what we know as earth, our feelings of being are instructive of our construction and our hurt pain and suffering a condition that lives in our mortal time and alloyed spans, the devil is ultimate death behind a locked door.

If I…

If I am re-incarnated as a cat I will sleep upon cord jackets, I have now seen in my human life thus far the comfort and peace within the cat, two on one cord jacket curled in a mystic harmony and at the end of my time if I return as a cat trapped as I may feel in my new clothes I will curl on that cord jacket oh the calm

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