Love and Care Away.

We don’t want your bodies just your sperm, women in their own right men now in their places picking up the pieces. The good men paying for the bad but the good ones go also as women cast love and care away. Sexless becomes a better description as of now equality is as status quo neither one way or the other.

Aliens Hold Congress

It was announced by scientists on this day that Aliens had held congress with leading humans to reveal in reality that we have believed in biblical falsehood and to declare that our belief in God is a falsehood, we are but free fall models as seed from trees, a planted phenomenon on what we know as earth, our feelings of being are instructive of our construction and our hurt pain and suffering a condition that lives in our mortal time and alloyed spans, the devil is ultimate death behind a locked door.

New Balances.

Whatever happened to that familiar face, the one that went around the world-changing the direction of lives and deaths of millions, it was such a facade someone caught you unauthorised were they in the common mirror of man, your mask slipped and another world availed itself you are an alien, and the press were in that toilet you were alone exposed, so how do we inform a world in panic not to be alarmed.

A Faceless Technical World

We should all be aware of where this is leading us to, yes 1984.  The freedom to use cash as one pleases will be a fond memory as all governments hover over the inner workings of your daily lives. 

We have become too big to be trusted in population terms that personal reassurance of the face to face will go.

 In recent months I have seen all but one bank outlet close out of four, that means less contact time but more time on the dark side of the internet.

Where conversation is cut in a faceless new tech age, we are isolating ourselves at the behest of the national puppet masters in Westminster, letting them dampen down our inner spirit and trust in another.
Mason Cult Social Crusader.

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