If I…

If I am re-incarnated as a cat I will sleep upon cord jackets, I have now seen in my human life thus far the comfort and peace within the cat, two on one cord jacket curled in a mystic harmony and at the end of my time if I return as a cat trapped as I may feel in my new clothes I will curl on that cord jacket oh the calm

I Cry For The Celeb.

Do you remember crying in your beer for a dead star you thought you might know today. Do you cry for a celebrity who brings no joy, never makes you happy, but somehow does the business, whilst I sit with my ugly self-imposed version of doom

Pluto The Flat Cat That Went Splat.

An epitaph to the feline friend of Mason Cult.

Stone cats in the sun will they ever live again, feral destiny was never good my squashed cat friend has expired. His short coil now ended abandoned flat and no more, now his coat is his, all his soul has sped away. 

We noted him, we will try to remember him, but I sense we will all be stiff one day. Our thoughts will be as rigid as our bodies it a price we pay for gods gift short or long, that is mortality for Pluto the tomcat he is dead.

Does The Earth Have Feelings

Does the earth have feelings?

if so is it aware of human life upon it.

Does earth feel pain or have knowledge of strain put upon it?

Maybe you or I are not to know, as the snow in wintertime hides the sound of a burdened groaning earth .



For Really They Will Never Know

Astral transmission do you read me, the doors are open it is time to go, do not tell anyone I am going, for really they will never know, that a rainbow landed at my feet, the colors of the cosmos curved for speedworthy travel. There will never be a wall again no dividers to heaven no call to earth to say I am safe I will be one of the stars with no name, you see me everywhere we are all too common and mostly ignored.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive