Xmas Poetry & Audio Poems Ep 1.

Audio Poems

Tramps are everywhere…
Hurried Stuff, mother is in the living room.
It’s Grim Up North

A Time.

A time when nothing is in your hands, manipulation occurs, from another source. It comes to visit by surprise it does so in doses to convince you literally your mind is not your own wait. And you will feel them sleep, then see forever.

Boys Who Were Kings

Boys who were kings at ten, now sit on their own, when they were old and grey cobwebs were spun around the stiffness as the chair rocked to and fro a long nose of nobility hit the shadows, the lightbulb swung. A shadow in the gap where once burned a fire in the once living hub of familial energy, a forefinger raised still above the right chair. Arm pointing, but the direction has gone. A figure walks past the glassless window a cool white full moon is helping the voice shouts out “anyone at home” “silence man, the king is dead close the door”. All reposed nothing to report

Hurried Stuff

Hurried stuff dark rainy day strained brain sat on me Todd watching a wheeze of a sixties slice of life semi biopic of the cultural time now gone it is but madness Norman Bates is here mother are you alive or dead no it is a slipper behind the door , where is mother she is but with axe ready in the front room still watching soaps whilst I’m still in a lather looking for an open door

Latest Audio Poems By Laidlaw Wilson AKA Mason C

Turning the dial up on my ear that is what I have to do…who would have thought this was my essential connection with outer life…
It was it and it is out there, up there, somewhere in a circular field a gathering
The I before the me what are we, in one with one…
The Spooks visit loon Laidlaw who has been abducted by aliens and taken to Mars…he objects to the UFO cover up.
Sons of the euphoric mind that is the one, there work never done…
The night the cat found a spirit, the spirit of who indeed…
If man cannot stand without his props he is therefore not a man…

Monk Head The Paranoid Keeper of Pigeons, Blink Twice & Man of Soil

An hilarious poem of pigeons and paranoia in modern Britain

Blink Twice

Blink twice I thought I saw something near the window is it the past checking in to see who’s there maybe there are more nosey spirit checkers I wonder if I will be one when my time arrives for now I will sit occasionally casting my vision to the left field or could it just be that t shirt in the mornings wind if we are lucky we’ll see

Deep in the lonely wood a timber shed existed a rocking chair tucked in the corner the figure of soil recreated as man sat in this chair…

Latest Audio Poems Susie Swan & My Father

Susie Swan

A short story for kids as Susie Swan saves the wood from General Snail…

My Father

This is about my father County Councillor John Wilson a native of Scale House Farm Galgate Lancaster who died in 1973 suddenly age 44 yrs wouldn’t mind it read out sometime sadly missed.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive