Housing Problems The Thoughts Of Mason Cult…Part 2.

When it comes to problems with housing in the overcrowded Terra of England it comes to mind that we are a realm of politically controlled snobs, who gives an owls hoot about the rickety housing ladder now missing many rungs, please do blame the legion of silver surfers and the greedy working class who exploited the never should have been right to buy it is properly built and administered social housing that should now be prominent. The working class have blotted there credentials by post industrial borrowing upon the over inflated ex council homes, thus blocking and stopping the council house supply chain.

The only reason it looks better than it did is down to the borrowing (shame on the banks.) The older generation have completely sold out the young, the disabled and mentally afflicted, but guess what folks, politicians love your votes so morals and principles go out the door. We are media driven class snobs in this country and try and survive under a pot boiling mix of jealous false friendship as a country we are finished.

Housing The Thoughts Of A Poet



Oh the latest wheeze on bricks and mortar Tory hypocrisy, we have the buy one percent of the roof and beneath, by God the Tories are in mercenary desperation but the thought will have the blockheads salivating.

The majority of social renters often need to be flexible in employment terms so house swap (exchange) is or should be flexible and workable. Currently governments get over the moment you are obsessed with the silly housing ladder, we have a huge problem with private landlords mortgage default and dodgy property developers.

In the end you wondrous dreamy property porn people grow up, there are no pockets in shrouds, think of Jesus a radical of his time, share lives and love, decisive housing policies are destroying humanity creating a me me culture, so called home ownership is a control mechanism one where any government wishes to give no support to the most vulnerable. PEOPLE, check this out just how many humans have been really properly rehoused post Grenfell, I pray the vulnerable will not take up this spiv Tory government wheeze I say protect all social housing at all cost not tomorrow but today.

When The East Wakes Up. My Own Theosophy.

North Korea Military Parade


When the East wakes up a darker cloud will depend, it’s something in the air heat and dust with deprivation and bone crushing political religious doctrine and ironclad dictatorship. THE WEST is still indulging in a technology nirvana and preferred delusion to metaphysical facts, drowning in a sea of meaningless visual filth cheapened by media.

As all populations rise the spread of panic will alight humans need to disperse from condensed types of cluster living, in real terms, we occupy little space in relation to the magnitude of mother earth, but have doomed ways of living in buildings high enough to touch cloud bases, the rest is congested cities  an unequal arrangement of dependencies and the meaning of life cheaper by the day.

The more that religious fires are stoked the more religious fire spreads, in multifaceted ways and not always the peace for which we know to be elusive. Tied up in a jungle of words in life that upon death equates to sand unless the legacies of wise words and deeds are heeded, but never the less no human should live and for no reason to be proffered forth, would deny spiritual survival and the comfort of eternal truths now locked in mystery as of these present moments in time no one should live for no reason.

That means to say that whatever is making death so prevalent does not at this point in our evolution does not indicate an all loving benevolent God (entity), so I conclude much darker forces at work  and much mission bound pro action through individuals who spread divine light.


Mason Cult

Indeterminate coincidences in never ending time a continuum of  fear and pain with a moving light no one can reach, only in words uttered and written by passing doom mongers in there spans of life politics is a description and prophecy of burning dark doom.  As the conspiracy in completion society and ideologies of control destroy innocence and kindness replaced by constant twitches of the nervous insecurities within driven by control dogma from the conduits of protected educational elite puppeteers.

So It Came To Me & The Emotional Light.



So it came to me and thus I demanded of it as much as I was told commonly known as truth spades and buckets full I couldn’t escape the velocity without the trees I was bare and open to all cruelty I had feared as mothers and fathers and those beyond disappear I am but the one left and words cannot save me.

The Emotional Light

The emotional light is what keeps us breathing when your wings are down and you struggle to fly, abandoned upon the ground not knowing who will look out for you and embrace your shine as the world grows, humans too many and strange to care.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive