In The Now Sober State

Welcome to the hall of solemnity in the now sober state, not many come here and even less are aware of who we will meet.  But I have been told to expect something a being of wonder, part of sunlight and liquid brilliance, we are all sunlight in magnetic radiance open the door and look upward you will be healed .

Through Cloud Breaks

Find me, seek me. for I am everywhere and nowhere and yet somewhere inbetween,  I am energy within light I am daylight for I become bright showering shafts, through cloud breaks on any given day, you won’t talk to god but he is there within the the benevolence
of earth.

The Fifty Fifty Generation

The fifty fifty generation one cache catches a first class train, the rest set off on the baggage train for a much rougher ride.  But over time they will end up in similar situations. I am writing about the unhealthy obsession with universities and political obsession with them, an assumption that they are a panacea for all ills including the vacuous notion of social mobility. But has anyone talked of better social communication and industrial resurgence making solid physical jobs a real possibility for those bright but less assured life peers to walk awhile upon another track, until personal development evolves and other ambitions come to the fore. Until such time what could be more important but not properly talked about than decent balanced social housing development that balances out as stability platforms in the journey of life and the seemingly eternal class riddled melee that embellishes social class wars add infinitum.

New Political Website Launched

Do visit our new political website The Socialist Crusaders

A Voice Of Experience On The Issues That Matter To Us All In A World of Austerity

Who Will Be My Father

Far to the far and lost to the lost, in contrast, contract, contradictions. How to behave, how to be on time to stand in line till the end of the line until your time is done, upon conveyor belts of frenzy, processed, as the meat we eat. So similar are we
for now there is no desent, if human life is so wrong, all your emotions cried into a bucket. If I am reincarnated which world will I try next and who will be my father.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive