
You shouldn’t be so powerful as the wind strips you bare, all your suits, your medals your mind, your unkind, your destroying a world your mother bonded you to.  Your the leader your stripped so bare, your exposed to the snares of angry populace. Your treachery and nepotistic legions, you look like old Mulder and your smoking man has gone, but your conspiracies no larger than a room, now your destroying the world, now facing the sun what on earth is god going to do with you

Tree Brothers

So far my tree brothers and sisters have not defended ourselves in the forest, lungs of the world that we are.  Pushing and sensing we grow for a century or more in that time we develop senses a type of sight, we have energy within and even inform you in our rings as to the passing of years, dose that not make you think, put your ear to us and feel the pull of our energy.  Yes we look awkward and funny to look at in our random poses, you can even hide or shelter under our summer canopies and we cast our cushion of medallion leaves upon earth ground and do not forget our spinning seeds given to earth man for eternity…as you wander through the forest, we whisper and we know.

What They Do Say…

I am not bothered what people say or do, but what they do say tells me something about them. Let them live in the world as it is not my world.  I am at distance to all navigating to the shore, where there is a corner to breath, a thought to relax nothing, is ideal it never has been, in a world crowded with expectations never met, as we count in  conscience unavoidable and often spiritually fruitless hours trying to keep our sadness at bay.

Lean As Mean

I am walking lean; as mean, as possible.  I will survive in the clothes that help me stand up, it is frayed and displayed and discriminated, thus according to those who walk my way, but they who I cannot see will never, upon never, take my soul .

Into Infinity

Halfway into infinity the bed zoomed, then drifting in solar space along the Milky Way, past the fallen planets of the asteroid belt a few wayward craft along the way God knows where I am, reality on the usual scale for me at night is not the highest of states.
In the land of the flying chakras. Cracking on to warp nine in the words of Kirk “Make it so.”

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive