An Ode to England & A Leaf Did Fall.
An Ode to England. Oh kingdom so fair, the trees stand under all weathers, under all skies, on the ground there were still lies. A whole vista of them under…
The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive
The Poetic Warrior Returns to his Poetry after Illness Welcome One, Welcome All
An Ode to England. Oh kingdom so fair, the trees stand under all weathers, under all skies, on the ground there were still lies. A whole vista of them under…
Happy as a boy created by sand, washing upon the beach I am here, I am there in I come the tide arranges me, but a speck of sand, am…
The ball under my foot, the world it may be, it makes me so unsteady my destination will be unknown at the moment. I have control of a fashion, my…
Mason visited an old air base in his local area and his wild imagination kicked in, the end result was this…enjoy. Have you been lately, to an old airfield, walked…
The crew led by the beautiful blonde Captain Hornet Jackson shuffled to the frozen rails of the stricken vessel all heads were raised to the heights, starting at the top…