Eastern Soldiers

Eastern soldiers by the sea a million or more, I clambered to the high ground in the city the nightmare of invasion had now appeared. Inside the huge hotel I went, I had greased all entrance points windows and elevated to the highest point of the complex. Occasionally peering across the vista to observe the encroaching mass of green uniforms, the number was increasing I headed for the tropical flat roof with its resplendent shimmering pool aware of my dwindling freedom.

I could hear the noise further down in the complex,  I just hoped that they were not looking at the the power usage monitoring so I searched for the solar panels. Much of this city had now fled and the power base of the country had now ran,  we had
courted the southern countries and now they had arrived, we were the last to be taken.

Now they were enveloping every space of this small island, trouble is that they have also located me, so I will sit here in my unreal world til my rooftop door is knocked down
and then I will see a million more goodbyes I am fading fast and at last a bullet found me fast…

New Britain

So I wasn’t  wrong all along the line of thought, the new developments, the crammped spaces in designated areas. Self sufficiency had taken to new highs, we were becoming population heavy the undertakers  couldn’t cope in the middle of civil unrest, the council couldn’t cope to the reaction, to their planning, unfinished housing, shit spinning in empty cement mixers. Everyone now did smell and the dying were dead, so came to pass the small oblong buildings.

They were between the once bright flats they housed the dead where undertakers feared to tread,  this is new Britain, civil destruction society torn and burning a government in retreat MP had fled to hide this country in mutinous madness evil is the mistress
of the turgid toilet of a country where manners ( manners) is the name of a house.

The Baby Boomers It Is Mad World.

Strong to my heart as this subject is a recent article by nationally respected presenter Jeremy Paxman regarding people over 65 suggesting that they should be banned from voting citing their good fortune for skewering property prices and holding the country and the young to ransom with the property led self-interest and protectionism and having scant regard for the young and not so young who struggle with Dickensian Landlord ripping them off.

There is no such animal as the first time buyer they are borrowers on a massive and often irresponsible scale, in media terms there is no other way, despite Grenfell Tower and generally poor levels of social home provision  we as a so-called society get passed  over,  we as humans will get nowhere but continue to regress in increasingly disenfranchised circumstances, but with increasing levels of iniquity, it is the older generation along with the vested interests of the banks that have developed  the world of inflation through property speculation, lending towards what we have now which is a FALSE economy, this needs to be halted as of now, property is setting a FALSE benchmark for the struggling young of today. So in conclusion every elderly person who has road this FALSE wave and turned on younger generations uttering such words as we will spend it all and not redress the immoral iniquity of housing madness, find a way to make these elderly smug pay for the inflationary misery and FALSE financial benchmarks that they have created. Mason Cult Poet and Social Crusader.

But Women As People.

The boy who grew up with feminists all the understanding expected of him, for the cause of eventual female domination, but my boy women have never been weak with hypnotic lure and flirtatious charm. Males wrapped around their fingers it is man who cannot cope with this, he tosses and turns inadequate driven, fed by media bias but nothing will be advanced or achieved for the young man raised by feminists was found a partner by them but his new amour falsely accused him of rape due to miss fired signal, the young man awaits his fate as the times we live in are against him, but women as people should the sexes be equal in mind if not biology ?.

Love and Care Away.

We don’t want your bodies just your sperm, women in their own right men now in their places picking up the pieces. The good men paying for the bad but the good ones go also as women cast love and care away. Sexless becomes a better description as of now equality is as status quo neither one way or the other.

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