The Little People of The Sausage Roll Kingdom




They were looking for a home in the middle of a very dark and depressing winter. Being so tiny and few they needed food. Android, his shelter frightened of being trodden upon.  So this place had to be special and so safe and have a homely crusty roof with the finest food aromas for this the little people required a small home of much sustenance.

When the little people sneaked out in groups Dolly the little leader passed the best artisan bakery she could find, but the proprietor had to be presented with a word in his ear. So when Dolly found a very old shop she led her troop of little people in and proceeded to climb up the Bakers arm and have a word in his ear, he chuckled and made a suggestion, he said to Dolly “I will every day make for you a large sausage roll with a homely pastry roof, a hole in its dome and a door with a walkway at each side. You and your little people can pull tasty meat morsels from a sausage wall and the smell of tender seasoning will surround you.

There will be two pastry doors at either end and you can grab falling chunks of pastry warm and cooked. I will make these every day for you pronounced the baker eager to protect these special Devic Kingdom travellers who had to make it through a bleak winter, while on there way to The Forrest of plenty at Turkers Wood near the old city of York.

The baker also gave the little people wee cups of sweet fruit juices slightly warm to keep colds at bay, they survived merry beings, hiding behind cakes and drinks til the season changed so they could catch a breeze and tumble, rolling in balls unfolding in the fauna of the medieval wood, chuckling under the full moon in there pastry crumb beds preserved from the sausage rolls of the Artisans comforting winter shop.

Silence & Grace

Silence & Grace.

Silence and Grace ice death. All still, but water runs and streams, make rivers that flow out to the sea. One day they may come back and leave another upon this sandy shore, as the tide comes in. Sunrise the following day, you are but an empty shell on the sand. You grow and run away to who knows where. But the past will not follow you, to be born midway. Childhood will not be revisited suffer no more.

Mason Cult. New YouTube Channel

A glorious Jolly Jape my lovelies as by popular his glorious poetry gets the Voice Over treatment, and we are proud to announce a new YOUTUBE CHANNEL

The classic Poem Stood a Man & His Young Daughter.


A poem to a love lost an Ode to Sophie. VO by Maria Cusick.

Mason Cult Audio Poem

One of Mason Cult’s favourite short stories, the haunting tale of Stood A Man & His Daughter. Now in audio format.

Elections An Indulgent Rant

Yet another reflection upon canvasing at local election time .Last year 2019 I made one last shot at the District Council election nothing to lose but a few pounds in weight , having for company two volunteers, good enough. But not as many volunteers as the other parties, we decanted, some four thousand leaflets through the difficult furry letter boxes.  On a few occasions folk would come out and say plainly the dislike of all politicians, the rest you know. But then comes along Boris a Latin speaking version of Homer Simpson all the right and left lads and lasses loved him, why I’m not sure his party represents the worst of austerity. I’m asking why can’t the sons and daughters of Britannia think for themselves and post virus there will be the worst recession in recent times, cuts to everything, but those cuts will be far from equal. Will the ordinary Joe and Joanne love there leader as the North Koreans are forced to do with their despotic leader. We shall see, or if we are dead we won’t. Boris Johnson is wolf in sheep’s clothing it is a shame that the so called Labour party are not up to the mark, but I sigh Tony Blair did Tory Voodoo upon them and all shall be compliant his master’s voice.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive