A Collection of Poems from the Poetic Warrior


We are out of ideas with as humans can we suggest a change before it is too late and that could be soon, even perhaps tomorrow sooner, it has to be sooner than you can think.  Maybe we’ll start with those three crafts that have been lurking in plain sight for a few days now I was told that they have the answers if only they would come down What’s hidden by them to obscure the truth, I am suspicious if it is an experiment I cannot quite see it and it may never happen I’m talking Aliens are we stressing them out just let them come, for they are already here, they look like us and we look like them hush our governments know, that is the truth hidden.

Aunt Agatha’s Painting

The scrap man, he is not as he appears, this is more than you’ll ever know, blink and I would miss the fact he has me in a trance.  You’ll never know it’s him you have just talked to, nor will I ever realize he has just taken Aunt Agatha’s expensive painting into the back of his van until it was too late, he had me under hypnosis honestly, as he gave me twenty for the pic. I am under the influence honest I am, here scrap man what about this nice Victorian chair, yea see he has me in a trance again…

New Landscape

The new landscape is ready my people must go they have been waiting a long long time tuned to peace, and their radio station is on. The promised land is nigh the prayers have worked. War is no more the new story begins and fire and rage are dying that day is done only one more night of serious clouds and then we start again the circuit breaker worked I know of this, I link into the cosmos.

Big Laugh

The big laugh that came out of nowhere ah the meaning of life oh yes it was getting too much my brain fogged it is getting too much, what was I to do capitulate and crawl to the deadly corner and die oh hell. What should I do the grim reaper came upon me, and I just burst into a happy laugh through a big conduit in the mind nothing dam well-mattered monster joy well let me tell that is welcome anytime, by the way, was that Jesus telling me not to worry

I Knew It

Yes it is anonymous I knew it all along that is its name, it carries on as if it is not noticed. It never did stand out and moves silently amongst us, you may ask what is this I would have to tell you it is what you wondered for I have to inform you it is God he is currently sat on a park bench only a few know.

All In It

Toward a reckoning we go in the spirit of all we do our karma is being calculated, and the next direction is nigh. We must prepare who will now pick us up when we fail or fall and stop us. Before gravity finalized our flawed time in the moving kinetic known world remember energies are dead they keep moving and changing all other life.

Alien Lodge

Alien Lodge care home is a place where we get closer to the truth, what’s it all about you’ll soon find out. Look, Fred, there’s a flying saucer coming, look out Doris prepare the kitchen table that’s where it is landing, we are short of space gestured the tiny Alien. “Frank!” I scream, get the nanobots ready “Dick, turn those bloody Christmas lights on this is for real.” And tap the table three times because the truth is out there, main corridor seventh door to the left open it gently folks

Plug In

We are ready plug in be eternal never die the greater vision beyond the skies above the beyondness of all that is known the mystery that is wonderful will it happen shall we close our eyes to see




Storming Into Summer With More Poems For You.



Did you know the Auras have a code of practice I walk along it seems unfriendly, the Aura it bothers me? So I wonder why, face after face passes me place after place a scowl of disapproval so this is the world now. So how do I survive I was told a way by an unknown master I cannot reveal he said “my son doesn’t look, keep walking, keep straight, and don’t pick up or take in the Aura of others and you will be fine and yes you will heal transmit your blessing to all who pass you, and you will be blessed.

The Breed

This is the year, the breed, the beards, the muscles all over the place the hypermasculine, expand and steroid terror moves in disturbed minds raging through violent England. Women are now like men and more than nasty. Peace is now a period of a dispute the resolution often death, when the beards are shaved off the peace will once again come and change will arrive. Pass me the jungle juice I am on the weights, oh did I not tell you I am one of them.

I Am A Spirit

I’m a spirit on day release, I thought I’d tell you this. I’ll tap you on the shoulder to let you know. I’ll squeeze your wrist I’ll touch your brow I’ll turn a cloud to blow on your cheek, I’ll stay awhile and then kiss your cheek to tell you I love you and then I will go followed by the most haunting wind you’ve ever heard. Whoosh it is I, there and gone. Yet strangely here trapped in my world and yours.

The Harvest

The harvest will come I know of that, the dictators are surrounded now their days are done, trust me. I know of this, the evil will break, the evil will drown, and an echo of laughter and happiness will be heard around the world. The vibration will be long until the bad has gone trust me I know. A day like never before will dawn the sun is for everyone love will be felt everywhere, my ears are different and soon you’ll know why soon you will know because I know that change will be forever.


Were we ever our brother’s keeper look at us now tightly packed but with all the space in the world, no it’s territorial the mind of distorted humans going higher, or is it down and down to Hades. Seems like control but it is high and you might fall man is not a bird. Where are the minds when your garden is dead but a long way down, where there is no sense, there is no feeling and all that followed is nowhere fighting and killing government is down am I really my brother’s keeper too busy fighting to survive? God is on the back burner ready to explode now that’s atomic.




Warrior of Poetry Political Rant

As a poet and a social justice fan I reflect there is a right wing group in the Tory Party on a mission searching for a way to regain our freedom in this country. If they achieve this they will look good sound right and catch the mood of a desperate public. But and it is a big but, what most are unable to see is the overall achievement of a dictatorship, running from generation to generation. Consuming the decades as they go.

The other two main parties are hopeless they have no leaders, in fact they appear boneless all the wind is out of them, alas forlorn they look just agreeing with the rest to stay in their lifeboats.

I bet Johnson will be out by May there will be a coup and an empty seat will be filled, paving the way in our Lifetime a dictatorship of magnitude never to be touched whilst the poor will be searching the landfills for food and crime will be uncontrollable taken to extreme levels. I sigh deeply.


God preceded time, we invented divisions of time. As we evolved but we need not think of ourselves as clever, it is when one goes to sleep discovery is made being conscious in a troubled world is burdensome and extreme, we find peace somewhere else, some are yet to discover. Remember we are all transient beings much of our own invention and reinvention in a living world. No man is above another. We are driven, driven by primordial instinct. It is difficult to achieve but very easy to forget in a vortex of emotions.

New Audio Poem Eastern Soldiers By Mason Cult

Eastern soldiers by the sea a million or more, I clambered to the high ground in the city the nightmare of invasion had now appeared. Inside the huge hotel I went,

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive