Over Field & Fountain & Danger In The Streets…The Light.
The shit is shot around the world over field and fountain sliding down the mountain a multitude of fetes completed in a race of pollution and potions pills ? life…
The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive
The Poetic Warrior Returns to his Poetry after Illness Welcome One, Welcome All
The shit is shot around the world over field and fountain sliding down the mountain a multitude of fetes completed in a race of pollution and potions pills ? life…
Where have they gone, I look up and wonder, but blind am I what has happened shiny things lightening in evasion now dumbed down just as Mulder and Scully or…
You are flanked. All around is greed and corruption, your twenty feet from the door of hope and light. Will you make it against glazed eyes of intolerance and hatred,…
Man of silence man of faith he sits in the corner in candlelight by the stone wall, beneath are beasts that keep him warm. Their breath in night time lulls…
I’ve seen smiles and relatives in carpets, sweet faces within the leaves and branches therein. Whole worlds in hedgerows shapes everywhere, I guess they know who we are they are…