Selection of poems for your enjoyment

Son of lightweights made heavy by time and experience never the model, maybe a son under one sun walking to the light of discovery. After years of clouds and dark days daring to lift the lid to freedom.

The Day The Trees Left Earth

The day the trees left earth, so many years drawing upon earths poisons, the ground shuddered roots broke loose and levitated from the seating earth. If you won’t mend your ways we will go somewhere else we grew for you upon the ground from the sky we neutered establishing to you the very air you breath, but earth man refuses to withdraw his poisons. So we are compromised to the extent where we now have to go, legacy gaps you now find and earth weeps tears as she declines.

An Ode To Masks

Friend, foe or just insane we all pass by our masks in place, we hide, we retrieve our breath as we walk step by step we are warned do not reveal we could be dangerous. We are told to know how we are the the epitome of the new veiled. By dark irony the very mask we wear comes from the very place that caused the virus. Still when it comes to money and the cheap option we know how. We are told we are fat we are told we will die. As the sun comes up so the day begins we savour the moment for it could be the last we wear the mask, otherwise remodelled no idea who I was it’s all down to number so we want to escape but to where it is cold upon the mountain top and I am just one sat here in contemplation as the police wander over ticket book in hand. The comical dark saga our nation faces continues.

Double Barrelled Names Good God No

So offensive are they not a day goes by when media screens are not full up with double barrelled names. A sure sign that we are more bothered about trying to be more important than anything else made up to try and bolster, embellish and hide our insecurities and rivalry aplenty. I prefer Joe Smith or Mrs Smetherhurst at least one can have a conversation when humans touch base for a chinwag and ask how’s Jack is he OK we think we are two sophisticated now I assure you we are not we are human and royalty and the class system is an evil façade.

Son of Lightweights

Son of lightweights made heavy by time and experience never the model, maybe a son under one sun walking to the light of discovery. After years of clouds and dark days daring to lift the lid to freedom.

Not empowered but grateful for secret input to gain insight it is as if God for a blip in time made me aware of what I should do to save a tiny portion of life left. If that is so take the leap yonder people all held down, try at least to be yourself however poor in circumstance you may be, People like you lean a little bit more for opening the door to say hello, just be a friend and that is all. No fear. no favour. Friendships should be free as birds of the sky

Monk Head The Paranoid Keeper of Pigeons, Blink Twice & Man of Soil

An hilarious poem of pigeons and paranoia in modern Britain

Blink Twice

Blink twice I thought I saw something near the window is it the past checking in to see who’s there maybe there are more nosey spirit checkers I wonder if I will be one when my time arrives for now I will sit occasionally casting my vision to the left field or could it just be that t shirt in the mornings wind if we are lucky we’ll see

Deep in the lonely wood a timber shed existed a rocking chair tucked in the corner the figure of soil recreated as man sat in this chair…

Laidlaw Wilson Poetry Featured On Mighty Radio 107.9 FM

Laidlaw Wilson and is Ode to Diana Rigg on Southport’s Mighty Radio Sunday Shindig Show. Presented by Maria & Tony.
Laidlaw has his poem Comet read out on air, on the Sunday Shindig Show, Mighty Radio Southport. 107.9 FM.
Comet oh ye force of resistance…

Latest Audio Poems Susie Swan & My Father

Susie Swan

A short story for kids as Susie Swan saves the wood from General Snail…

My Father

This is about my father County Councillor John Wilson a native of Scale House Farm Galgate Lancaster who died in 1973 suddenly age 44 yrs wouldn’t mind it read out sometime sadly missed.


God preceded time, we invented divisions of time. As we evolved but we need not think of ourselves as clever, it is when one goes to sleep discovery is made being conscious in a troubled world is burdensome and extreme, we find peace somewhere else, some are yet to discover. Remember we are all transient beings much of our own invention and reinvention in a living world. No man is above another. We are driven, driven by primordial instinct. It is difficult to achieve but very easy to forget in a vortex of emotions.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive